Queensland Law Society Costs Agreement

The Queensland Law Society Costs Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you’re looking for legal representation in Queensland, it’s important to understand the costs associated with legal services. The Queensland Law Society has established a Costs Agreement which sets out the terms and conditions for legal work performed by solicitors.

What is the Queensland Law Society Costs Agreement?

The Queensland Law Society Costs Agreement is a document that outlines the fees and expenses involved in providing legal services. It is a legally binding agreement between the solicitor and the client. The agreement covers everything from the hourly rate of the solicitor to the cost of any additional expenses, such as court fees and travel expenses.

Why is it important?

The Costs Agreement is important because it helps ensure that clients are fully aware of the fees involved in legal services. It also helps to establish transparency and trust between the solicitor and the client. By having a clear understanding of the costs involved, clients are able to make informed decisions about the legal representation they receive.

What does the Costs Agreement cover?

The Costs Agreement covers a range of information, including:

1. The hourly rate of the solicitor

2. The method of billing (e.g. hourly, fixed fee, or contingency)

3. The estimated overall cost of the legal work

4. The payment schedule and due dates

5. Details of any additional expenses, such as court fees and travel expenses

6. The process for resolving disputes

It’s important to note that the Costs Agreement is not a quotation. The actual cost of the legal work may differ from the estimated cost outlined in the agreement.

How is the Costs Agreement established?

The Costs Agreement is established when the solicitor agrees to provide legal services to the client. The solicitor must provide the agreement to the client in writing and give the client time to review and consider the terms before signing.

Can the Costs Agreement be changed?

The Costs Agreement can be changed if both the solicitor and the client agree to the changes in writing. The changes must also be in compliance with the Legal Profession Act 2007.


If you are seeking legal representation in Queensland, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the Queensland Law Society Costs Agreement. This agreement outlines the fees and expenses involved in providing legal services and helps to establish transparency and trust between the solicitor and the client. Make sure you review and understand the agreement before signing, and don’t hesitate to ask your solicitor any questions you may have.