Aborto Legal Argentina En El Mundo

According to the 2016 directory of the Ministry of Health, 17.6% of maternal mortality is due to abortion-terminated pregnancies. There are 43 deaths among mothers due to abortion-terminated pregnancies, without distinguishing between voluntary and spontaneous abortions. [6] According to the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion, more than 3,000 women have died as a result of unsafe abortions since the democratic resumption in December 1983. [99] In 2016, it was estimated that in Argentina, a safe clandestine abortion would be charged about $1,000 on the illegal market. [100] It was built on the 28th. Launched in May 2005, the International Day of Action for Women`s Health, it has since had the ability and strength to simultaneously coordinate activities in different parts of the country under the motto: “Decide on sex education, do not abort, legal abortion do not die”. At the National Congress, plans for the voluntary termination of pregnancy have been presented on several occasions. In 2019, after the Senate voted against the 2018 bill, a reformed bill was introduced that establishes the following: In cases of rape or immoral assault, the 2007 Guide stipulated that a police or judicial complaint should be filed. Since the publication of the guide in 2010, it is enough to file an affidavit if there is no complaint. It also stipulates that any imposition of additional requirements will be considered a violation of women`s right to access abortion in legally permitted cases. In 1998, after a meeting with Pope John Paul II in vatican, Carlos Menem created a decree declaring March 25 the day of the unborn child in Argentina. At the first celebration in 1999, the president affirmed that “Argentina has made one of the priorities of its foreign policy a firm and determined action to defend life.” [30] In this context, Zulema Yoma, the president`s ex-wife, decided in an interview to say that an abortion had been performed with the support of Carlos Menem.

[31] Current Argentine law only allows voluntary abortion in cases of serious danger to the mother or rape, but proponents of decriminalizing abortion point out that even in these cases, women – especially poor women – do not receive adequate care. The “yes” vote in Parliament triggered the euphoria of the sector, identified with the green paint in favor of abortion and the malaise of air groups opposed to legalization. Thus, a day before the closing of the year 2020, the streets of Buenos Aires vibrated in a special way. The Argentine experience inspires other countries in the region and the world to move forward in the recognition of this right. At a time when there are setbacks on the right to abortion in the countries of the North, it is important that the green tide of the South enlightens those who occupy spaces of power and decision-making so that they prevent setbacks and advance in favor of this right. One year± has passed since the adoption of the law that enshrined the right to the voluntary and legal termination of pregnancy in Argentina, a conquest that inspires other countries in the region and the world to move towards the decriminalization and legalization of abortion. On the 19th. In February 2018, the National Campaign for the Right to Safe and Free Legal Abortion organized a “tweet” with the hashtag #AbortoLegalYa (which was a trending topic)[49] and a “handkerchief” in front of Congress and a hundred cities across the country, which surprised public opinion by the size and average youth of the women mobilized. Identified with green tissues. [50] [51] The feminist movement in Argentina had already experienced a historic boom on the occasion of the Ni una menos movement, which found continuity in the struggle for legal and free abortion. At Amnesty International, we will ensure that the state guarantees respect for legal abortion throughout the country SiPreBA, the Buenos Aires Press Union, supports the law on the legalization of abortion.

[229] They express their favor to the Internal Committee of Press Delegates of Channel 13/TN, the Internal Committee of Workers of Clarín, Olé, magazines and digital platforms of AGEA, the Workers` Assembly of the newspaper La Nación, the Assembly of Press Workers of Public Television, the Assembly of Press Workers of the Twenty-third Group, of the Commission of the Internal Press Guild on Radio Nacional, the internal commission of the workers of Telefe Noticias. 183 ATE Capital employees signed an open letter in support of the National Campaign for the Right to Legal, Safe and Free Abortion project. They also support the legalization of abortion workers from the Guild Association of Subway and Premetro Workers, Suteba, CTA and other labor organizations. [230] Young representatives from various political sources such as Socialist Youth, Radical Youth, Pro-Youth, La Cámpora, Franja Morada, MNR, Libres del Sur, Juventud PTP, Nuevo Encuentro, and UES Secondary School signed a petition in favor of legal, safe and free abortion. On March 4, 2018, the Argentine Down Syndrome Association (Asdra) took a stand on the possible decriminalization of abortion, warning that “the lives of innocent people are at stake” and quoting the words of French doctor and servant of God Jérôme Lejeune: “Let it live! Let them live! Defending life is not a matter of religion, politics, philosophy or activism. This is a fundamental human rights issue. To be born is the first right of every human being” [177][178][179] In terms of cost, a study published in 2019 shows that “there would be a net saving of resources for the health system as a whole, since the savings to avoid complications through safe practices would far outweigh the cost of abortion in safe conditions in public or private health centers.” [101] Radical leaders advocated abortion. Among them, Ricardo Alfonsín, Ricardo Gil Lavedra, Ernesto Sanz[199] and Agustín Campero. [200] The Socialist Party`s Executive Committee unanimously approved a document reaffirming the party`s historic position in favor of decriminalizing and legalizing abortion.

[201] The majority of the Front for Victory is in favor of abortion and has indicated that it will vote this way in Congress, corrected Agustín Rossi. [202] There were pro-civil servants and members demonstrating for abortion, such as MP Silvia Lospennato or Minister Pablo Avelluto. PRO President Humberto Schiavoni, Minister Sergio Bergman, Health Minister Adolfo Rubinstein[203], Justice Minister Germán Garavano[204], Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne[205], Deputy Chief of Staff Gustavo Lopetegui, Undersecretary of State Lidia Saya, Guillermo Cruces, Pedro Robledo, Hernán Iglesias Illa, President of the Women`s Council, Fabiana Tuñez, the director of the Anti-Corruption Bureau Laura Alonso, the officials Iván Petrella and Alejandro Rozitchner, the director of enACOM, Silvana Giudice. [206] Former Senator Chiche Duhalde also advocated the legalization of abortion. [207] At the party level, the left forces are the only ones to consistently propose the defense of the right of access to legal, safe and free abortion. In the 2011 election manifesto, the Left and Workers` Front takes up this point, which was maintained in the subsequent political programmes of this coalition. [197] Between 1921 and 2020, Argentina recognized the right to legal abortion for only three reasons: the danger to the life and health of the pregnant person, or when the pregnancy is the result of rape. Today, in Argentina, women who choose to have an abortion can do so completely, safely and free of charge in the health system. The right to decide on and to have access to the voluntary termination of pregnancy is recognized until the fourteenth week (including) of the pregnancy process, without the need to explain the reasons for its decision, and the right to abortion is maintained for reasons without time limit With regard to this judgment, lawyers Aída Kemelmajer de Carlucci, Marisa Herrera and Eleonora Lamm on the importance of the Inter-American Court`s decision in the regional debate on the legalization of abortion: “So it can be assumed that the highest court in the region has given the green light to legalize abortion in America in a much wider range of cases.” [81] (CNN Español) — In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v.

Wade noted that the constitutional right to abortion no longer exists. In the future, the right to abortion will be determined by states unless Congress acts.