Ifs Cadre Rules

[(b) “Management position” means any of the posts mentioned in point 1 of each officer in the Indian Forest Service (Staffing Fixing) Regulations 1966;] (a) There are no significant vacancies on the first day of January of the year in posts open to members of the National Forest Service in accordance with article 9 of the Recruitment Regulations; or footnote: – The main rules were notified by Notification No. 2/9/65-AIS(IV) dated 17.11.1965 and subsequently amended from time to time by various GSRs/notifications of the Government of India, DOPT. (b) no qualified officer is available to fill the vacant post], provided that the Land Government has certified that the officer concerned would have continued to occupy a post belonging to the State services without his delegation to such a former managerial post. [ii) an international organization, an autonomous body not controlled by the government, or a private entity, by the central government, in liaison with the government of the state whose cadres it supports.] Provided also that officers belonging to a service referred to in Article 2 (g) (ii) of the Recruitment Regulations may not be considered for promotion in any context other than the territory of the Union. (i) a company, association or corporation of individuals, whether or not incorporated, owned or controlled in whole or in large part by a provincial government, a municipal authority or a local agency of the provincial government of which it is a member; (a) “management framework” means a member of the Indian Forest Service; NOTE III: Service in posts belonging to the State Forest Service would also include services provided in former forestry-related managerial positions, whether under the authority of the Government or in 6 (A) The State Government shall also forward to the Central Government a copy of the list referred to in the Regulation, and the central government submits its observations on the Committee`s recommendations to the Commission. Providing further that, in the case of dismissed civil servants, eight years of continuous service shall be credited to emergency or short-term civil servants appointed to the State Forest Service in accordance with the date of their appointment to that service, as prescribed by the preceding provision, provided that such officials may be taken into account if they have completed at least four years of actual continuous service, on 1 January of the year for which the shortlist is drawn up, as Assistant Registrar of Forests. 7. 1. The Commission shall examine the list drawn up by the Committee at the same time: Published under notification M.H.A. No 2/2/64-A.I.S. (4) of 1. September 1966 However, this restriction shall not apply to a State where the total number of eligible staff is less than three times the maximum number of staff on the restricted list and, in such a case, the Committee shall take into account all the staff members concerned. (c) “State” means a State referred to in the first list of the Constitution comprising a territory of the Union; Notwithstanding the provisions of these provisions, the Central Government may not appoint a person to the shortlist if it considers it necessary or appropriate in the public interest.

3. The President or Member of the Commission shall chair all meetings of the Committee attended by him. (a) the vacancy should not last more than three months; If, after such listing, an indictment is issued against a staff member whose name appears on the shortlist or if an indictment against him is filed in a court, his name on the shortlist shall be deemed provisional. The appointment of members of the National Forest Service shall be made in accordance with the agreement referred to in article 8 (3) (b) of the Recruitment Regulations in the order in which the names of the members of the State Forest Service appear in the relevant parts of the shortlist currently in force. 5 (3): The Committee shall not consider cases of members of the State Forest Service who have attained the age of 54 years on the first day of January of the year for which the shortlist is drawn up: 5 (3A) The Committee shall not consider the case of such a member of the National Forest Service who was included in a previous shortlist and NOTE II: An adverse act brought to the attention of the State Government which renders him unfit for appointment shall be deemed to have been brought to the attention of the State only if the details of the State have been communicated to the Central Government and the Central Government is satisfied that the information provided by the State Government is relevant to the suitability of the office and its investigation. essential. Provided, further, that if a shortlisted official has expressed his refusal to be appointed to the service, he shall not be entitled to be appointed to the shortlist unless he informs the central government of the State government before the expiration of the shortlist and withdraws his previous expression of refusal to be appointed to the service. Where the shortlist is drawn up for more than one year in accordance with the second reservation to subparagraph (1) of Article 5, the shortlists shall remain in force until 31 December of the year in which the meeting establishing the shortlists was held or until 60 days after the date of approval of the shortlists by the Commission in accordance with this Regulation.

Depending on what happens later.