Is Slingshot Legal in Singapore

During a visit to China this year, he attended spinning competitions and signed up for training sessions, Deputy Prosecutor Niranjan Ranjakunalan said. Chan first got into the spinning hobby after discovering in 2019 that he could buy them cheaply through the Taobao e-commerce site. Slingshots are illegal in Singapore. Hi guys, I`m trying to get a carved wooden catapult order on Amazon. I`m just wondering if it`s illegal to bring/buy one? Thanks to Chan Fan Kheow, he practiced his spinning skills twice a day on the roof of a garage in front of a nearby building. During a visit to China the same year, he attended a sling competition and then signed up for training sessions, The Straits Times (ST) reported. This deepened his interest and he purchased seven slingshots and several packages of ball bearings and metal pellets from Taobao between November 2019 and January 2020. The court heard that he had embarked on the hobby of using slingshots — an item banned here — after seeing cheap offers on e-commerce site Taobao in 2019. Between November 2019 and January 2020, Chan`s interest in the business deepened with his arsenal – he purchased seven slingshots as well as several packages of ball bearings and pellets. They argued that Chan was aware of both his lack of skill and the damage a slingshot could cause. SINGAPORE (AP) — The 61-year-old slingshot enthusiast who practiced shooting metal ball bearings in a parking lot and missing windows in nearby apartments was sentenced to three weeks in prison Wednesday, April 13. During the trial, it was revealed that Chan had practiced his slingshot skills by placing plastic bottles on the roof of a parking garage at 9 Hougang Avenue, near his home.

Surveillance footage showed Chan with his slingshot. A 61-year-old sling enthusiast was sentenced to three weeks in prison after his attempted shooting smashed the windows of houses in Hougang. Chan`s lawyer asked for two weeks for his client to determine whether to appeal the verdict. But the judge said in his ruling that Chan was unlikely to be aware of the potential dangers of using a prohibited weapon, given the author`s extensive research into the activity. Chan`s prison sentence was postponed until April 27 so he could settle personal matters and consider appealing. The maximum penalty for a thoughtless act to endanger the personal safety of others is six months in jail and a $2,500 fine. Chan Fan Kheow pleaded guilty on April 5 to acting hastily to endanger the personal safety of others. Another charge of possession of an offensive weapon was considered for conviction.

According to CNA, Chan Fan Kheow pleaded guilty in April. 5 on a summary charge of acting prematurely to endanger the personal safety of others. He added that it was annoying that Chan continued to shoot despite the absence, causing detainees and apartments to become an “unintentional return” for missed shots. ST reported that Chan`s lawyers postulated that Chan`s case did not warrant a prison sentence. But Chan missed his targets, smashing at least two windows in nearby homes and sending broken glass into the apartments, located on the seventh and 12th floors, the DPP said. CNA reported that District Judge Marvin Bay noted that Chan`s persistence in setting up his target cabinet near the apartments was an aggravating factor, as the 61-year-old was aware of his poor accuracy. it is listed under Prohibited Items. The aspiring sniper was finally arrested in January. 16, 2020, after police found ball bearings scattered in the parking garage that Chan was using as a shooting range.

He practiced shooting metal ball bearings at plastic bottles on the roof of a parking lot in Block 933 in Hougang, near his home, on December 25, 2019. The prosecution requested four to five weeks in jail for Chan, noting that similar cases had already led to detention and that Chan`s actions posed a risk to others. The manufacturing and food industries appear to be facing labour shortages. Defense attorney Justin Ng told the court that no victims were injured and suggested a maximum sentence of one day in jail if necessary. Another charge of possession of an offensive weapon was considered for conviction. Both times there were small holes in the windows and glass fragments on the floor of the apartments, and police reports were made. An observation that the actor made when he lived in Singapore. Defense attorney Justin Ng argued that Chan`s case did not warrant a prison sentence because no victims were injured and it was easy to find him, but suggested a maximum sentence of one day in jail if necessary. However, since Chan`s indictment was a merger of two of these offenses, the court could have sentenced him to double the sentence under section 124(8)(a)(ii) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The penalty for endangering the personal safety of others by a reckless act is punishable by up to six months` imprisonment, a fine of up to S$2,500, or both.

In court, the prosecution demanded four to five weeks in jail for Chan. According to CNA, the cost of the damage to the two apartments was S$310. On two different days, however, Chan missed the targets and sent ball bearings into the windows belonging to the apartments in Block 923. From December 2019 to January 2020, he practiced twice a day, morning and evening, with the bottles often positioned to face Block 923, CNA reported. However, he added that Chan provided residents with a full refund of $310.