Jejune Definition and Sentence

The billionaire couple refused to eat the jejune dish of chicken wings and tater tots. 🔊 Well, at least he came to see what jejune was his previous point of view. Use the adjective jejune to describe something uninteresting or insignificant. Many people claim to find Jejune celebrity gossip, but ask them about a recent movie star scandal and chances are they know everything about it. The man`s 2006 computer is fast compared to my 2015 model. 🔊 But these can grow jejune, and it is not certain to trust the tender mercy of a butcher. This is always repeated in an immutable phase of fasting and thin character. The meat is very mushy, and the general effect of the fasting image to the extreme. We pass in the world for sects and schools, for scholarship and piety, and we are Jejune Babes all the time.

While my colleagues mocked my dress and called it Jejune, my teacher gave my design the highest grade in the class. 🔊 Jejune may also describe something immature or simplistic. All the actress could say about her latest film was that it was “super fun.” That is a good comment. Basically, jejune means insignificance. It originated from the Latin word jejunus, meaning “fast,” so when something is jejune, it is figuratively empty – without intellectual nourishment. The volume of 1500 had been jejune, written when he knew nothing of Greek; 800 proverbs with scattered explanations. Hungry for excitement? You won`t get it from anything jejune. This term is derived from the Latin jejunus, which means “empty of food”, “poor” or “hungry”. In the 1600s, English speakers used jejune in a sense very similar to that of its Latin relative, lamenting “fasting appetites” and “fasting bite”.

Something that is lean satisfied rarely, and soon Jejune was used not only for meagre meals or hunger, but also for things that lacked intellectual or emotional substance. The word probably took on its meaning “childish” when people confused it with the French word jeune, which means “young.” Although Evan behaved fasted at dinner, he actually teaches international customs at a school for diplomats. 🔊 I am very young and refuse to eat anything I cannot spell. 🔊 My money is on Crusading Carly to oust the young and useless Barbara Boxer. Do you know what amorphous means? Ephemeral? Querulous?.