Law Enforcement Quotes

“As governor, there`s not much I can do to fight crime. Law enforcement is really a local issue. It`s the job of cops to take action against criminals. Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura Henry Ford once said, “If everything seems to be going against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with it. This famous quote can easily be applied to law enforcement in 2019, with so many factors seemingly working against the profession. Winston Churchill once said, “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Police officers at all levels have countless opportunities to listen to citizens and gather information about what is happening in the community. There are countless famous quotes that can be applied to law enforcement.

In this podcast segment, Jim and Doug share some of their favorites. “I had a great time at the Shield. Working on it, I have a completely different view of law enforcement. Glenn Close “When police officers mistreat citizens, you undermine public trust in law enforcement. This makes the work of good cops dangerous. – Mary Frances Berry “Some of the bravest and best men in the world, certainly in law enforcement, did their part while undercover. Thomas Foran Psssst: Looking for more religious quotes? Take a look at these scriptures for the police! These are tough days. I hope these quotes help you keep your head up – and on a pivot – while working on the road. Add one or more of your favorite quotes in the comments below.

[Author`s Note: I do a lot of speeches. Some are in military matters. Most take place at police events, such as university degrees, Peace Officers` Memorial Day, et cetera. I always like to spice up my speeches with a few relevant quotes. From time to time, other LEOs ask me for permission to use them. I always agree because they are really not mine. My dear wife suggested I write a few to share with our readers Here are a dozen of my favorites and, if applicable, the sources.] “No one chooses when bad — happens”: Excellent quotes from ILEETA 2013 Five funny quotes that actually come from videos of police cars in the United States ( credited): “We live in a political era where legislators seem to view the passage of laws as far more important than the results of their enforcement.” – William Howard Taft “Enforcement Officers The law is never “on leave”. They are dedicated public servants who are committed to protecting public safety at all times and wherever peace is threatened. They need all the help they can get. – Barbara Boxer Whether you`re trying to cheer on your agent (or yourself!) or write a good speech, these inspirational quotes from the police will definitely help! Policing Matters is a weekly podcast for law enforcement that gives you the latest news and critical topics affecting police officers. Listen to columnist and Deputy Chief Jim Dudley (retired) sit down with law enforcement and criminal justice experts from across the country to discuss policing strategies and trends.

There are countless famous quotes that can be applied to law enforcement This week, I want to do something different in this room. I`d like to provide you with some inspirational quotes to help you through these troubling and difficult times. I will also add my interpretation of the quotes with respect to the application of the act. In law enforcement, so much can and does go wrong – and yet police officers push for their mission to serve and protect. Cases are thrown away, criminals are on the loose, victims become victims again, and yet police take to the streets every day to protect their communities. They are rarely thanked for their efforts. They are not looking for thanks or praise, but the sense of accomplishment of a job. “Every society gets the kind of criminals it deserves.

It is equally true that every community receives the kind of lawsuits it insists on. Robert Kennedy`s agents across the country are facing a massive increase in property crime, domestic violence calls and, in some cases, enforcement of “stay home” orders. They are doing all this even as staff shortages worsen with infected agents at home in quarantine. But we, as a nation, will eventually get by, and we will flee again. “You can`t expect law enforcement to provide the solution to the drug problem.” – Bill McCollum “Sometimes I wish people would put a little more emphasis on law enforcement than enforcement” – Calvin Coolidge “No law enforcement can solve a problem that goes back to the family.” – J. Edgar Hoover “We need safe methamphetamine-free communities and a federal commitment to stand with government leaders and law enforcement in the fight against this epidemic.” – Rick Larsen “The backbone of our nation`s internal defense against terrorist attacks will continue to be the men and women of local law enforcement and emergency services.” – Saxby Chambliss “It`s time for Law are organized like organized crime. – Rudolph Giuliani With that in mind, I wanted to compile a list of inspirational detective quotes – because they can certainly be useful! “Since September 11, 2001, many in this country and in Congress have had a deeper appreciation of the importance of the sacrifices made by our law enforcement officers.” – Jerry Costello Law enforcement is more than a job for most of those who deal with it. Here are some quotes and quotes from various people about policing, challenges and rewards, and the value of law enforcement. We tried to find interesting quotes not only from famous people, but also from ordinary people. There`s also a bit of humor here to relax things.

If you have an interesting quote on law enforcement that you would like to see on this page, please contact us. We`d love to hear from you! “Law enforcement told me they were probably expecting 20 bomb threats a day. Hopefully the 20 will be hoaxes, but strange people do strange things. – Senator Sam Nunn “Illegal immigration is a truly national problem, and solving it requires a national commitment not only to health care, but also to border control, law enforcement and other resources. – Jon Kyle. “I`ve missed over 9,000 shots in my career. I lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I was trusted to make the decisive shot and miss.

I have failed again and again in my life. And that`s why I succeed. – Michael Jordan As agencies across the country face a staffing crisis, there has been talk in some circles of lowering hiring standards. For a myriad of reasons, this is a short-term suboptimal solution to what is really a long-term problem. Police should continue to hire people of the highest possible personality so that young people look at the police in their cities and say, “I want to be like this.” Let me conclude with one last piece of inspiring prose, sometimes called “The Policeman`s Prayer.” Sadly, I heard this last month during a tribute to a 3-year-old veteran officer, Officer Adam Jobbers-Miller, who was shot and killed in Fort Myers, Florida.