Is It Legal to Own a Chipmunk in California

Question: Are bearded dragons legal in California? Most birds are also legal in California. The only illegal parrot is the invasive monk parakeet (or quaker parrot). Corvids such as ravens and magpies are illegal, as are birds of prey (hawks, hawks, eagles) and vultures. Mynah birds, known for their incredible ability to imitate human speech, are illegal, with the exception of Rothchild`s Hill Mynah […]

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Is It Legal to Mail Cbd Oil

You are unlikely to be asked to provide lab reports or other documents listed above to ship the products. However, the regulations state that you may need to provide them if there are questions about the ability of the item to ship or the legality of the recipient to receive it. It`s best to play it safe, so keep them handy whenever you`re preparing […]

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Is It Legal to Hunt Raccoons at Night

In short, unprotected species as well as coyotes, foxes and raccoons can be hunted at night with certain seasonal restrictions. According to the regulations, the lights cannot be used to light animals, but can be used at the killing site. Download the by-law “On private property, the landowner or his tenant or agent, with the written permission and contact information of the landowner in […]

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Is It Legal to Have a Pet Hedgehog in New Zealand

Hedgehogs have been shown to be an important predator on riverbed breeding bird eggs, such as ringed yellow and black-fronted tern, and are known to kill and eat the chicks of a variety of ground-nesting birds. Many people are skeptical about keeping hedgehogs as pets because they look intimidating and because they are often illegal. Some countries and states do not allow people to […]

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Is It Legal to Fish in Canals

“You have to show that there are numbers and sips of recreational fishermen who want to access these canals,” he said. “You can argue that this will have a significant economic impact on the state.” Question: I see people fishing in the canals all the time, especially in the Sunnyslope area. Do they need a fishing licence and is the fish they catch safe […]

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Is It Legal to Drink on the Street Uk

Public drinking is legal in France. It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors (under 18 years of age). However, local laws may prohibit the consumption of alcohol in public or the purchase of alcohol in certain areas or at certain times. [15] The sale of alcohol in stores or outside the licence is legal between 10:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., except on Sunday […]

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Is It Legal to Change Your Name in Philippines

(A clerical or typing error refers to an obvious error made in office work, whether writing, copying, transcribing, or typing an entry in the civil registry that is harmless and harmless, such as a misspelled name or place of birth, etc., and that can only be corrected or altered by reference to other existing documents or records.) There is no legal obligation to change […]

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Is It Legal to Buy a Moonshine Still

In fact, bringing your moonshine to high proof requires a good recipe, healthy yeast and several distillations. In 1997, Russia reduced the sentence for converting the moonlight of a crime into a misdemeanor. Since 2002, it is no longer even considered an administrative offence. “Interest is growing rapidly,” says Gary Robinson, owner of Moonshine Still Pro, a Missouri supplier. Robinson sells stills – whose […]

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Is It Legal for Police to Take Your Picture

Since 9/11, a disturbing trend of innocent people harassed by police for taking still and video photos in public places has emerged across the country. The police are not allowed to delete your photos or videos under any circumstances. The officers were charged with tampering with evidence, obstruction and theft for taking a photographer`s memory card. If you are outdoors in public spaces where […]

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Is It Illegal to Do Your Own Taxes

You should save time to verify the accuracy of your tax return when it is completed, regardless of the route you take. A professional certifies accuracy and can help you with a tax audit, but your tax return is only as good as the information you provide. To give you a measure of the intensity of the penalties, you can be fined up to […]

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