Legalega Shopping Centre

“It worries me now because two things could have been the result if I had gone shopping with him last Saturday – maybe I could have prevented what happened to them, or maybe I wouldn`t be alive today.” “It was just something he always did, Nirmal would never go shopping on Saturdays without me,” the 57-year-old construction worker said. Like clockwork, Nirmal Kumar chose his brother-in-law Seremaia Saqiwa every Saturday and together they drove from Legalega to Votualevu or Namaka for shopping. “The house was quieter than usual and none of the neighbours seemed to know who got in the car or where they had gone.” Nirmal Kumar`s car at the Votualevu roundabout in Nadi. Mr Saqiwa said that when Mr Kumar did not show up, he walked down the street to his house. However, when Mr. Kumar did not pick him up last Saturday, Mr. Saqiwa said he knew something was wrong. “This has worried me since I learned on Monday that they were dead.” Since 2003, I have lived here with my wife Rosi, Mr. Kumar`s sister-in-law, and this is our weekly habit.