Legally Blonde Hair Perm Quote

Her: All people see when they look at me is blonde hair and big. Chutney Windham: I stood up. Have a latte. I went to the gym. I got a perm and went home. Although medically unfounded, this memorable quote comes from Elle as soon as she knows she is part of a team defending Brooke Windham, who is her sister sister and a kind of idol. In her introduction to her eccentric classmates, she gives this fashion quote. Her: And if someone who, say, had 30 perms in his life was not aware of this rule, and if you did not wash your hair, as I suspect you were not because your curls are still intact, you would not have heard the shot, and if you had actually heard the shot, Brooke Windham wouldn`t have had time. Hide the weapon before you are on the ground. Which means you should have started Brooke Windham with a gun in her hand to make your story plausible, right? “You know, being blonde is actually a pretty powerful thing. You hold more cards than you think. And I, for one, would like to see you take that power and turn it toward the greater good, you know? Her: You know, a girl in my sisterhood, Tracy Marcinco, once had a perm. We have all tried to dissuade him.

The curls were not a good look for her. She had no bone structure, but luckily she entered the Pheta Delta Phi wet t-shirt contest on the same day, where she was completely from head to toe. “Legally Blonde” first enchanted audiences with its sparkling story of a heartbroken blonde who became a brilliant Harvard law student when it hit theaters on July 13, 2001. Hosted by the incomparable Reese Witherspoon, Elle Woods was instantly charming: a lively SoCal optimist with an eternally pink wardrobe and an unwavering belief in equally adorable people. Her: Exactly. After all, isn`t the first cardinal rule of permanent preservation that it is forbidden to wet your hair at least 24 hours after receiving a perm, with the risk of disabling ammonium thioglycolate? Entertainment Weekly put Elle Woods on its end-of-decade best-of list, saying, “She`s blonde, bubbly and wears a little Chihuahua. But despite the inevitable comparisons between Paris Hilton, Reese Witherspoon`s Legally Blonde Dynamo managed to be taken seriously. Case closed! [8] Shop Saleswoman: There`s nothing I like better than a stupid blonde with Daddy`s plastic. Let`s look again at Legally Blonde with Elle Woods and her quotes.

As she walks through the halls of Harvard Law School, she notices Warner, but walks past him without saying anything, sure Warner will notice her. When Warner expresses disbelief about Elle`s admission to Harvard, she drops this gem of a quote. Her: By the way, all masturbatory emissions where the sperm is clearly not looking for an egg could be called reckless abandonment. In honor of the 21st birthday of “Legally Blonde” — and one of the incredibly impressive characters ever written — here are the 21 best Elle Woods quotes of all time. Her: You break up with me because so do I. Blond? Her: The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known. One of the most iconic quotes from this film is from another film. Elle`s video essay for admission to Harvard Law School (for which she hired a Coppola) shows her unique ability to use legalese in everyday life. Her: [a sudden brainstorm comes upon Her] Ms. Windham, have you ever had a perm? Enrique Salvatore: Don`t trample on your little Prada shoes from last season, honey.

Serena: Oh look, there`s Her! She, we came to see and see your trial! There is like a judge and everything. and jurors. “So, what is this Vivian you don`t have three breasts?” -Paulette Release Dates | Official websites| Business loans | Filming and production| Specifications. Vivian tries to humiliate Elle by inviting her to a “costume party” that was just a normal party. She delivers this burn in her typical cute style. Warner Huntington III: You`re going to ruin your shoes. Her: I promised her, and I can`t break the bonds of sisterhood. Her: Because I`m not a Vanderbilt, I`m suddenly a white garbage can? I grew up in Bel Air, Warner. Across from Aaron Spelling.

I think most people would agree that it`s much better than a smelly old Vanderbilt. Shop saleswoman: Of course. It`s unique. C.U.L.A. Advisor: And at least a 175 on your LSAT. Her: Oh! And it smells good! I think that gives him a little more, don`t you think? Okay, well, see you in the next race!. Again very innocent and polite, Elle Warner shows him his place and tells him that she is above him and realizes what a manipulative and selfish guy he is. It felt good to see her return it to him and not ask for his attention. Vivian: You know, I`m still shocked that you didn`t give Callahan the alibi.

Emmett: How long have you been sleeping with Mrs. Windham? Her: I feel comfortable with legalese in everyday life. Warner Huntington III: Excuse me, I`m sorry. Are you here to see me? Enid: Hey, how do you do it, I`m Enid Wexler, I have a Ph.D. from Berkeley in women`s studies, focused on the history of wrestling. Admissions Guy: Uh huh, she`s an animal lover and philanthropist. In a conversation with her guidance counselor, she assures him that Harvard`s law admissions process can`t throw anything away from her that she hasn`t already experienced. Her: It is impossible to use a low-viscosity half-loop seam. He would seize the substance.

And you didn`t just bring it in – I saw it in June Vogue a year ago. So if you`re trying to sell it to me at full price, you`ve chosen the wrong girl. Her: Why didn`t you call me? We had a wonderful night together and haven`t heard from you since. Admissions Guy: Obviously, she`s interested in music. Her: It will be like in the last year, except for Funner! Professor Callahan: It`s pink. Elle Woods: Oh, and it smells good! I think that gives him a little more, don`t you think? Elle Woods first appeared as the protagonist of Amanda Brown`s novel Legally Blonde. Woods was later portrayed by Reese Witherspoon in the films Legally Blonde (2001) and Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde (2003). [2] [3] The character was later portrayed in a Broadway musical adaptation of the first film, Legally Blonde – The Musical. Elle Woods is also the basis for a series of young adult novels by Natalie Standiford. [4] [5] The character is mentioned, but not seen in a 2009 sequel, Legally Blondes, which chronicles the adventures of his British twin cousins. [6] In 2018, Ariana Grande referenced Elle in several scenes of her music video “Thank U, Next”. [7] In one of the funniest, most beautiful, and smartest scenes in the film, she helps her depraved classmate David Kidney land a date.

Woods has been portrayed by eleven different actresses in various productions of Legally Blonde – The Musical: Gabby Cinque, Olivia Mezzerina,[9] Bailey Hanks,[10] Sayaka Kanda, Barbara Obermeier and in the West End by Sheridan Smith (who was later replaced by her Legally Blonde co-star Susan McFadden). From July 2011, Carley Stenson reprised the role of Elle Woods, Susan McFadden left the series. Hon. Marina R. Bickford: I think the witness made it clear that she was in the shower.