Quantum Mechanics Legal

Quantum theory is not just for physicists; It can also be useful to ethicists, philosophers, and policymakers trying to understand why supposedly objective legal processes produce deeply biased outcomes. In this short presentation, we will use quantum theory to challenge the idea that the law is or could be objective. During the presentation, we will develop and validate a new legal concept that recognizes the subjective nature of reality in a form compatible with modern science and non-Western knowledge systems. Finally, we will explore how our subjective conception of law can be used to resolve a long-standing paradox and perhaps point the way to a more just future. In quantum field theory, things are even worse because empty space is perfectly capable of turning into an electron-positron pair for a short enough time to “polarize the vacuum.” Some experiments (the same ones that often try to locate an electron, for example, by bouncing other charged particles) can pull pairs out of the polarized vacuum and create electrons out of some sort of “nothing.” The existence itself (of electrons) turns out to be somewhat ambiguous from the point of view of the laws of thought, but these things are all easy to observe, so we know that this ambiguous picture is “true” in a sense. After working for more than 20 years at the scientific apologetics organization Reasons to Believe, I have observed that scientists and philosophers often think differently than the world. With the types of specialized training in their academic training, scientists and philosophers tend to ask different types of questions about reality and truth. Unfortunately, they also tend to talk to each other. Recently, I had an interaction on social media with a scientist to find out if the discoveries of quantum mechanics invalidated the logical law of non-contradiction. In this chapter, modern natural sciences, especially the results of the subjective interpretation of quantum mechanics, are integrated into legal theory. The chapter is based on the thesis that ecological problems arise because man-made law does not conform to the fundamental laws and principles that govern the functioning of the universe. According to the author, these higher ground rules differ, similar to the legal theory of St.

Thomas Aquinas. Therefore, the study distinguishes between eternal and universal laws. Eternal laws are transcendental in nature and universal laws are immanent. In order to effectively manage the ecological crisis, these higher rules should be recognized and followed by human law. The meaning and content of eternal and universal truths are also discussed here. This idea presented in this chapter is supported by Pitrim Sorokin`s theory of social and cultural dynamics, as the imagined worldview corresponds to Sorokin`s idealistic/integrative truth. In addition, as an “integrative” worldview, it is also part of the interdisciplinary framework of the Integrative Worldview (IWF). Finally, the main points of this chapter are incorporated into the conclusions of the contemporary literature on environmental law. For many years, some of the most intelligent physicists rejected the formulation of quantum mechanics, even though it worked and did nothing else, simply because it seemed to be a description of the state of a system that allowed things to “be and not to be,” and thus seemed to lead to the possibility of real paradoxes in our experimental view of nature.

However, it has gradually been discovered that quantum mechanics has its own laws of thought that map classical laws in a way that accurately prevents the appearance of real paradoxes, even if this requires us to change the way we look at small objects such as nuclei, atoms, and molecules. Quantum laws simply do not have the classical “net” dualism implicit in the law of contradiction and the law of the medium excluded in some contexts, with a kind of “fuzzy” dualism between conjugated pairs of variables2.28. However, our brains are designed to form a classical concept map, and we find it very difficult to understand how a single particle can pass through two slits at the same time or have properties that change measurably when we change a potential in a region that the particle never visits. The 1920s saw further advances in nuclear physics with the discovery of Rutherford-induced radioactivity. The bombardment of light nuclei by alpha particles produced new radioactive nuclei. In 1928, Russian-born American physicist George Gamow used Schrödinger`s equation to explain the lifetime of alpha radioactivity. His explanation used a property of quantum mechanics that allows particles to “tunnel” through regions where classical physics would prohibit them from doing so. In 1926, Schrödinger`s equation, essentially a mathematical wave equation, established quantum mechanics in a widely applicable form. To understand how a wave equation is used, it is helpful to think of an analogy with the vibrations of a bell, violin string, or percussion. These oscillations are determined by a wave equation because the motion can propagate like a wave from one side of the object to the other.

Some vibrations in these objects are simple modes that can be easily excited and have certain frequencies. For example, the movement of the lowest vibration mode in a drum head is in phase over the entire drum head with a pattern that is evenly around it; The highest amplitude of vibrational movement occurs in the middle of the tympanic membrane. In more complicated modes with a higher frequency, movement on different parts of the vibrating tympanic membrane is out of phase, with inward movement on one part at the same time as outward movement on another. Rommen HA (1998) The natural law: a study in legal and social history and philosopohy (trans: Hanley TR). Liberty Found, Indianapolis The origin of quantum theory was literally a light bulb moment. In 1900, Max Planck tried to mathematically describe the energy production of light bulbs and thus make better ones. The existing theories did not correspond to reality. After a few false starts, Planck discovered that he could fill the void by making a radical assumption: the electromagnetic energy emitted by a radiant body was not emitted continuously, but in indivisible packets. Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that refers to the very small. Louis-Victor de Broglie, a French physicist, proposed in his 1923 doctoral thesis that all matter and all radiation have both particle and wave properties. Until the advent of quantum theory, physicists had assumed that matter was strictly particle. In his quantum theory of light, Einstein proposed that radiation has properties of both waves and particles.

Broglie believed in the symmetry of nature and postulated that ordinary particles like electrons can also have wave properties. Using the old-fashioned word particle by particle, Broglie wrote: Quantum physics is our basic theory about how particles and the forces acting on them work. This is the basis of the highly successful Standard Model of particle physics – the best-tested theory of all time. But quantum theory is also notoriously impenetrable: to make it work, you must first assume very basic, rather counterintuitive things about how nature works at its smallest scales. In addition to our grand tour through the universe in the guide Reality: The essential laws of cosmology, here we explore the laws of the quantum world. Nature, on the other hand, says the opposite. In quantum theory (which I occasionally teach), real “things” such as electrons can simultaneously be a particle with particle-like properties and a wave with wave properties.