Rt Rw Net Apakah Legal

At present, there is no question of legality for hotspot companies, as net RT/RW activity is legally a type of illegal business. Because to open this business, you must first have the permission of the appropriate party. Read this article to learn about the risks of opening an RT/RW Net business. He continued, in accordance with the circular issued by the central government on the regulation of RT RW NET in each region. Because this effort is not in the title in general, but in particular. If this activity is pursued more deeply, it becomes illegal or unlicensed under Government Decree (PP) No. 52 of 2000 on Data Centers in Indonesia and based on Decree KM No. 21 of 2001 on the Implementation of Telecommunications Services and their Derivatives. In terms of legality, rt/RW-net is in fact not legal, since according to Law 36/1998 and various PP & KEPMEN among them, only telecommunications operators have the right to build a telecommunications infrastructure. Clearly, the existing policy framework is more for large companies with Cisco-class devices.

It never occurred to the government that most access would develop from school networks, RT/RW networks that could operate without a commercial license or at most only with CV, with makeshift equipment, even with homemade routers of Pentium II class PCs. You don`t have to hesitate and always wonder if the RT/RW network company needs a permit? Because if the effort is made without breaking the law, then such a thing is good and good to live. LOTIM | Poroslombok.com – The efforts of local governments through the Communication, Information and Coding Service (Kominfo) to understand Internet network entrepreneurs about legal (official) business regulations have been realized. Even the Department of Communications and Informatics, which is responsible for communications, information and coding, has sent a letter of appeal to home network contractors, or known as RT RW NET, to take immediate action to obtain permits. It is imperative that the answer be yes as to whether the RT/RW network activity requires a permit. However, in terms of legality, many make this company independent without the need for a license or illegality. So, can selling to neighbors, WiFi, purchased from PT Telkom in the sub-district with a predetermined price, commonly known as RT RW Net, be considered legal? If it`s not legal (illegal), what`s the problem? What is injured? You paid PT Telkom every month. Try to read again about the rules of using TELKOM bandwidth, if it is correct, what is not resold, toilets are not allowed, it means that the ILLEGAL RESALE OF BANDWIDTH is not the company. RT/RW-net is actually a product of the hard work of many people in Indonesia who crave cheap internet. In terms of RT/RW network policy, this shows that there is no legal space for community infrastructure built with homemade devices by the people, by the people, by the people. There is no legal place for wireless internet infrastructure to use Wi-Fi.

As we know, RT RW NET contractors usually don`t have business licenses and even spectrum use permits, yes, that doesn`t mean your RT RW NET business is illegal, after all, there is no regulation here that is being violated, so yes, think of it like a regular internet café entrepreneur. After reading this article, I took the initiative and wanted to legally contextualize this company. My RT/RW Net store is located in Batam. Please inquire about how to join APJII and APJII members operating in Batam. Thank you Naaaahhhh…. It was at this time that these Grombolans began to call “RT/RW NET”. a term that later became famous in Indonesia to this day. The RT/RW network company is a reselling internet services company from well-known providers that you have purchased.

For example, the serious implementation of RT/RW-net was first carried out by Michael Sunggiardi in his Bogor housing estate around the 2000s. Many sad stories were told by Michael Sunggiardi because at the beginning of his 2-3 years of operating the RT/RW network, it was difficult to find customers. Back then, most of his neighbors didn`t need 24-hour internet access from home. Internet is a useful service, a lot of information is obtained from the service, Rt rw net offers something significant in the middle of society. Whether it is the inhabitants of cities, regions or villages. I first finished my breakdown here, the next time it resumes, for friends who are a little confused and still don`t understand, please just check out. Ideally, Handoyo continues, RT/RW Net is based on one of the more than 350 ISPs that are already members of the APJII. The aim is to clarify the structure of surveillance and escalation.

Handoyo Taher, head of the organization and member of the APJII, sympathized with friends of the director of RT/RW Net in Bengkulu, whose equipment was seized and suspected by the Bengkulu regional police. Handoyo said that in principle, the director of RT/RW Net in Bengkulu had not violated the law. However, the legal issue is the business model that has the potential to violate regulations. Although this question is still grey. The condition for the purchase of this device is false, there are several conditions, namely: “You must pay taxes to the State and pay GNP (Non-Tax State Revenue), as well as the contribution to the universal service obligation. According to the Ministry of Communications and Informatics in its press release No. 23 / PIH / KOMINFO / 3/2013 there is a criminal threat to unlicensed telecom operators,” he concluded. – (NS) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, road AP devices with a frequency of 5 GHz have so far been widely used for point-to-point access devices with POINT-TO-POINT or POINT-to-MULTI-POINT topologies Do you want to set up an RT/RW network company at home? Do you want to know what you need to prepare? How much does it cost? Read this information to get the answer. You may also need to know more about What is Rt rw net business?, With this rental dial, at least the internet café no longer needs to worry if the customer at a time only 1 . After all, the load on the “pulse” is flat every month.

Interesting excerpt from INDOWLI mailing list by Hamzah Iza August 7, 2006 10:13 p.m. What is needed for rtrwnet is simple: radio frequencies are divided into 2 categories, namely PUBLIC and PRIVATE frequencies. PUBLIC frequency means a frequency that may be used without a party`s permission. Recorded by: www.facebook.com/bino.oetomo?fref=ts&ref=br_tf 15 October 2015 at 09:12 In addition, the department also informed the businessmen of rt RW NET in Lotim, about 500 people, to apply for permits immediately. If you don`t want to worry about permits right away, RT/RW Net Internet vendors must be under the auspices of an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that has already been licensed and become a member of the Indonesian Association of Internet Service Providers (APJII) and already has NIB, SIUP, and NPWP approvals registered with OSS Indonesia. However, it is best for those of you who have already operated the business without licensing standards to immediately obtain the approval described above.