Social Relationship in Legal Profession

Jason Treu: Well, what`s great is that if you`ve asked them what their challenges are, you can follow up and give them all the other information you have at that time, which is really good. I also think one of the things you can ask people is if you`ve offered to help them, in email, by asking for the help you need. And two things you can ask for, one, is specific help you need, and ask them a question too. Who do you know who to talk to? Because everyone has a network behind them, which I call an indirect network. So they have a lot of value that they can give you, no matter who the person is. So it`s always great to ask that question because you never know who they know. And the other thing you do is you can invite them to other events that you attend. You can say, “Hey, there`s this big event you should check out here.” The other thing you can do is invite that person to a lunch that you organize in one place and you bring 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 people and organize it. And what`s great is that you can just go to a place that`s basically located, make a reservation and that`s it. It`s not like you have to pay for lunch or do anything else, you can just invite people because people always want to meet new people.

I`ve never met anyone who said, “You know what? I know enough people, I don`t want to meet anyone. They can say, “All I want is a core group of a few friends,” but they never say, “I`m not going to meet another person.” Because everyone knows that relationships can lead to something else. So it`s a really strategic path and one that brings a lot of value to others, because here too you don`t know. Two people could understand each other, they could form a great friendship, they could be travel partners, they could be business partners. It`s a really powerful place, and it solidifies you as a leader, as a hub and as the person they want to do business with, because you obviously know people, you`re ready to connect and you`re willing to give. It`s one of the fundamental things in life, that if you don`t have scorecards with people, they love you and want to be closer to you, because the only people in their lives who don`t have scorecards are the people in their inner circle, like their best friends, their family, partner or spouse. So when you give psychologically first, you go to this place and it`s a very powerful place. Thus, the sociology of the legal profession deals with the organization of lawyers, the relations of lawyers, and the services of the legal profession to needy members of society. Jason Treu: You can go to my website under and you can find free guides on networking, branding, connecting with busy people and so much more as well as blogs, videos, and you can also reach out to me on many social media channels. [15] The Rules of Procedure presuppose a broader legal context that shapes the role of counsel.

This context includes court rules and laws relating to admission matters, laws establishing specific duties of lawyers, and substantive and procedural law in general. Comments are sometimes used to alert lawyers to their responsibilities under such another law. Jason Treu: Well, if you`re in any environment, you have to work with other lawyers, paralegals, and other people. You have to be able to build good relationships with them, also be able to really tap into their emotions and what`s really going on. If you want to lead other people, you need to have the skills to build over time. So you have to build a relationship with people and find common ground with them. Be able to overcome obstacles and manage conflicts in a way that does not create tension. You have to be able to communicate and really find solutions to work with people.

Otherwise, you start alienating people, accumulating a lot of drama and causing a lot of tension problems. The same goes for a customer. You need to be able to understand if they`re nervous about what`s going on and really help them along the way. If you can`t penetrate yourself and your own emotions and really dive deep into yourself, you won`t be able to do it externally because you`ll refuse to ask questions you don`t know the answers to emotionally. Jason Treu, a former lawyer, is a business and executive coach and self-proclaimed expert in social engineering and persuasion. He has written a guide to social and professional relations entitled “Social Wealth”, contributes to numerous publications and speaks at length about building industrial relationships. Professionalism and social media are often seen as a bitter mix. However, social media provides a forum for many law students to network and thrive. Law students shouldn`t have to separate personal and professional personalities on social media, as this stifles their freedom of expression and identity and severely limits a law student`s market value at law school and even beyond.

Social media has the power to build a relationship between the legal profession and society, and there is no better group of lawyers to do that than this new generation of lawyers who have used social media all their lives. The legal profession refers to all professional roles specifically designed to administer and maintain the legal system. The legal profession, which includes lawyers, judges, advisors and experts in legal and academic education, has been the subject of considerable reflection in the sociology of law. This sociological interest corresponds to the enormous attention given to the legal profession in various areas of social law studies, including social sciences other than sociology, as well as jurisprudence, which in turn is the result of the successful monopolization of the exercise of legal functions and social position and the consequent closure of the legal profession. The fact that the legal profession is one of the most studied aspects of the institution of law is therefore a direct function of the professionalization of the legal role itself. While most academic research on the legal profession comes from jurisprudence and legal and social perspectives firmly rooted in legal education, there is also a strong sociological tradition that examines the social aspects of the legal profession from the perspective of a variety of theoretical orientations. [2] As a client representative, the lawyer performs a variety of functions. As a consultant, a lawyer provides the client with a good understanding of their legal rights and obligations and explains their practical implications. As a lawyer, a lawyer eagerly asserts the client`s position according to the rules of the opposing system.

As a negotiator, a lawyer strives to achieve an outcome that is beneficial to the client, but that meets the requirements of an honest relationship with others. As an evaluator, a lawyer acts by investigating a client`s legal affairs and reporting them to the client or others. In modern sociology, Parsons has paid particular attention to the role of the legal profession in integrating into the legal system. This conception harmonizes with the functionalist attention to law as a mechanism of social control and also betrays the broader Parsonian attention to the role of professions in modern societies. The successful acquisition of expertise in a particular professional role is the most outstanding feature of the profession. A lawyer is first and foremost someone who has a legal background and can provide specialized services based on that expertise. The lawyer thus mediates between the community as legislator on the one hand and the public as a client of the law on the other. Heidi Alexander: Absolutely, thank you. So your whole career is based on helping people build relationships with others. Tell me why this skill is so important and, in particular, how does it affect lawyers? The pursuit of professional autonomy is one of the most critical and sociologically challenging features of the legal profession. This professional independence is a concrete expression of the autonomy of the law as a whole.

Rooted in Montesquieu`s famous doctrine of the separation of powers, the ideal of legal autonomy finds its primary expression in the creation of an independent judiciary. Other manifestations of the autonomy of the law are foreseen in the work of the courts and, above all, in the professionalization of the legal composition. The autonomy of the practice of law is reflected above all in the education and practice of law, as the legal profession has successfully controlled the admission and organization of law faculties and legal work. [8] The lawyer`s functions as a representative of clients, as an official of the legal system and as a citizen under public law are generally harmonious. Thus, if a counterparty is well represented, a lawyer may be a zealous lawyer on behalf of a client while assuming that justice will be served. Thus, a lawyer can also be sure that maintaining client trust generally serves the public interest, as people are more likely to seek legal advice and thus comply with their legal obligations if they know their communications will be private. Heidi Alexander: Let`s move on to the next phase of the relationship, and that`s follow-up. How do you do this to really optimize the relationship? And I am thinking of lawyers.

In particular, you meet people who will be a reference for you, so build those referral relationships. How do you do that? The sociology of the legal profession can be defined as a study or science of institutions dealing with legal phenomena. The connection of the different parties in the legal system and the interdependence of life groups.