Uni of York Law Entry Requirements

The length of the course you need to take depends on your current English test scores and what you need to improve to meet our English language requirements. www.york.ac.uk/study/undergraduate/courses/llb-law On our course pages you will find more information about course content, admission requirements, application and interview. Please click on the link below to learn more about the qualification requirements for this course If you wish to qualify as a lawyer in another jurisdiction, your qualifying law degree* may be recognised by YLS as a contribution to the entry requirements for the professional phase of legal education. The course meets the requirements of a qualifying law degree in England and Wales and has been accredited by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board. This means that after graduation, you can proceed directly to the professional training phases (LPC for aspiring lawyers and BPTC for lawyers). We recognize the value of this qualification, although it is not included as a condition of access. It can be taken into account when you receive your results. The following entry points are available for this course: For more information, please contact Osgoode`s admissions office in admissions@osgoode.yorku.ca. Here you can get an idea of who you could share a discussion and how they have progressed in this area. It is also interesting to compare typical A-level subjects and student grades with current course entry requirements. The similarities or differences here could indicate how flexible a university might be (or not).

The Faculty of Law has two different roles. It is an academic discipline worth studying, as well as a necessary prerequisite for entering the legal profession. It is a fascinating subject with a great tradition and a dynamic future. Whether you`re defending the rights of an ecologically sensitive ecosystem or balancing freedom of expression and privacy, there will be something that challenges your interests. We consider a wide range of qualifications for entry. We may also make discounted offers if candidates qualify for our contextual offer program or obtain certain additional qualifications. The following fees and funding figures apply to the 2022/23 registration. If you complete a year of internship – for example, a year abroad or a year in the industry – you pay a reduced fee rate for that year. In this module, you will develop your understanding of the law that governs business, commercial transactions and consumer relations. You will study national law alongside its wider international contexts, focusing on practical problem solving and applying your knowledge to various legal scenarios.

The topics you will cover in the module include: Many of our graduates pursue careers as lawyers or lawyers leading the LPC or BPTC. Our distinctive course is delivered through our three learning streams: In this module, you will explore the key principles of modern trust law. They will also take into account the controversies and difficulties that people face in this area of law. You will explore aspects of trust law and examine competing tensions and political considerations in this area. You will also consider your positioning in relation to the controversial aspects of this area. We will reflect on trust law in its wider European and international context. By examining the limitations of the law, you will also identify potential areas for reform. York University integrates experiential education focused on the classroom, community and work into its programs, giving you the hands-on experience you need to transition to your professional career.

We offer a range of scholarships to cover tuition and living expenses: While there are many factors when it comes to your future income, use it as a rough schedule of what graduates in this field earn on average one, three, and five years later. Can you see a steady increase in salary, or did graduates need experience before seeing a nice raise in their salary package? We are considering a range of T-level qualifications. Please contact us to discuss your qualifications. The Foundation Scheme will enable you to understand traditional core topics with a range of key legal skills and a range of critical and social law perspectives on law. Learn more about York. Talk to staff and students and join the tour, either on campus or online. We look at a range of OCR qualifications that correspond to 3 A-levels, or in combination with A-levels or other qualifications. An essential feature of our course is problem-based learning – a modern and dynamic learning method that ensures that you experience and understand the law in its practical, social and theoretical contexts. This module will give you an understanding of public law in the UK. We present important concepts, traditions and principles as well as recent constitutional reforms. You will also explore the wider international contexts in which the UK operates.

In this module, you will develop your ability to use, analyse and critique primary and secondary materials and learn how to describe and discuss public law issues. York Law School has a problem-oriented learning room and a mock courtroom for our students. You can use them during your contact hours and for independent learning. We want you to feel part of our vibrant community from day one. Our highly accessible and experienced tutors are committed to providing you with quality teaching, feedback and support. Staff and students collaborate on conferences, seminars and extracurricular activities such as the Student Bar and projects such as the Global Day of Action. York Law School Legal Clinic and Small Business Legal Clinic offer free legal advice to individuals and businesses, helping students gain hands-on experience in the friendly and supportive environment of our specialist law school. *The Solicitors Regulation Authority is making changes to the qualification system in England and Wales. These may affect the status of eligible law degrees for all law schools. This module will give you an understanding of human rights and broaden your knowledge of UK public law.

They examine national human rights laws and their international history. You will have the opportunity to examine the role of human rights law in modern society, taking into account its limitations and the ambiguities of laws in this area. Topics you`ll cover include: Outside of your hours, you`ll learn independently. This may include classroom preparation, follow-up, wider reading, practice of assessment tasks, or revision. Case law is the philosophy of law. It is closely related to all the other areas you have studied in the course, but while other modules focus on what law is, case law asks why law is. In this module, you will examine the ontological foundations (philosophical study of being) of law, its reasoning and the importance of fundamental concepts such as justice and equality. You will be immersed in the work of a number of theorists and writers who have attacked the legitimacy of law and tried to determine its limits. This information comes from the Agency for Higher Education Statistics (HESA) and is intended for students only.

This module will use a case study approach to examine the interaction of regulation, race and religion in different contexts. You will engage in independent legal research, criticism and analysis of current issues in the field. We have established a wide range of professional relationships and partnerships. As a result, you`ll have “real” lawyers on the pedagogical team and access to hands-on, on-the-job learning opportunities that can help you prepare for your career. Learn how to use analytical, reasoning and judgment skills to address current issues with ethical, political and social dimensions, as well as the legal aspects of ordinary and everyday interaction. This degree puts you in the best possible position to start your legal career. The skills you learn in this course can also prepare you for many other exciting professions. Some major-specific courses available with evening option You will conduct an extensive research project on a topic of your choice.

A supervisor will be assigned to assist you through the process. Fresh in the UK (at home) or internationally? The amount of fees you have to pay varies depending on whether you are classified as a UK (home) or international student. Check the status of your fees After accepting your offer to study at York, we will confirm the course you need to enrol in before the session via You@York. 88% of law students were satisfied with their studies. (2022 National Student Survey) Get a taste of university-level study at one of York`s free short courses, including our specialized “From Crime to Punishment” course. This is a qualifying law degree approved by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Bar Standards Board. We teach you the specific techniques and skills associated with the legal profession, such as legal interpreting and legal argumentation.