Whats the Legal Age of Consent in Mississippi

Understanding the different terms used in a state law is especially important in states where a person may be legally able to consent to one type of sexual activity but not another. For example, Alabama`s laws regarding the legality of sexual activity with people under the age of 16 and over the age of 12 differ depending on the type of activity. In cases […]

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What Us Legal High

Drugs that contain one or more chemicals that have similar effects to drugs such as cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy – and which were previously known as “legal highs” In this article, we`ll discuss what legal drugs are, the laws surrounding them, and the dangers of getting a legal high. This is an older law that prevents the abuse of controlled drugs. Basically, drugs such […]

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What Supporting Documents Do I Need to Send for Probate

To understand the deceased`s assets and make decisions about inheritance tax, you need to assess the estate. In the following, we have broken down the most important steps for estate valuation. The time it will take to receive these documents depends on the court`s timeline and whether the application was completed correctly. To complete the online application form, you will need the following: For […]

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What Shade of Tint Is Legal in California

In California, if you`re first caught with windows that are too dark, you`ll likely be fined $25 and ordered to remove the tint. However, if you do not and receive one or more tickets for the same offence, the amount you will have to pay will increase. The State of California has very specific laws regarding the tint of your car windows. Each state […]

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What Makes Legal Translation Different

Legal documents often use legal terms and language that may not be familiar to non-lawyers. For this reason, legal translations require special attention. The only way to ensure the correct translation is to hire a professional legal translator with specialized knowledge in the field. Another difference is in style and tone. Legal translators must ensure that translations are used in a good passive voice […]

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What Laws Did the Colonists Have to Follow

Man`s natural freedom is to be free from any higher power on earth and not to be under man`s will or legislative authority, but only to have the natural law for his reign. The controversy prompted the city of Boston to appoint a committee of correspondence to produce a comprehensive settlement bill of rights. The resulting document, written primarily by Adams, helps to underscore […]

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What Is Universal Law of Attraction

And it is clear that it is wrong to stay too long in a negative vibration. But it`s also good news that it`s not about getting rid of all negative thoughts for the Law of Attraction to work. You can still be human (which means having a bad day here and there) and manifest successfully. Many people believe that this philosophy works by aligning […]

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What Is the Significance of Legal System

“Law is the command of a sovereign” represents which school of legal thought? There are different ideas about what is right and what should be right. Laws and legal systems differ around the world. The legal system in the United States is based on the U.S. Constitution, which itself is inspired by natural law theory and the idea that people have rights that cannot […]

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What Is the Purpose of a Registration Statement

An abbreviated registration form is the S-3, which is intended for companies that do not have the same ongoing reporting obligations. The SEC Form S-1 is also known as a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933. In addition, the SEC requires disclosure of all material business relationships between the Company and its directors and outside counsel. Investors can review S-1 deposits online […]

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What Is the Minimum Legal Room Size

So it`s no surprise that homeowners want to move a bed around a room and then beat that label on rooms of almost any size. Many floor-to-ceiling lofts in New York City have a large square footage but very few windows. Just because there`s enough space to change the floor plan and add rooms doesn`t mean you can create legal rooms. If you`re still […]

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