What Is the Maximum Interest Rate Allowed by Law in India

Side note: No fines, etc. for subsequent payments This is done through various online organizations. The main feature of this type of financing is that they are not associated with interest payments. Commercial banks charged 10% to 12% interest per year on gold loans. Some charged up to 24% interest on personal loans. As a result, the Government noted that there was no effective […]

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What Is the Legal Term for Deposition

As for where testimony takes place, it will usually take place in a law firm and not in the courtroom. The lawyer, the defendant and a court reporter will be present in the room. However, all parties have the option to attend if they wish, and the witness` lawyer is usually also present. JF: As a general rule, only the parties, the witness, their […]

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What Is the Legal Meaning of Default Judgement

In the latter case, the defendant may have the judgment set aside by operation of law. Otherwise, the defendant must show what his defense will look like, and if the court finds that the defendant is “actually waiting for time,” the verdict will not be overturned. A default judgment is the court order made against the defaulting party. An application to set aside a […]

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What Is the Legal Distance between Two Cars at a Stop Light

I don`t do this at every traffic light, only at busy intersections, where I`m more likely to be run over by a drunk or reckless driver who hits me or the car behind me. The question of a driver`s ideal distance between his vehicle and the distance behind which he is at an intersection with a traffic light or stop sign has been raised […]

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What Is the Legal Definition of a Codicil

A codicil is a legal document used to make certain changes to a will. Instead of having to rewrite your entire will, you can use a codicil to make all the necessary changes as long as they are simple enough. In other cases where you are making major changes, it may be best to make a new will. Estate planning lawyers can play a […]

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What Is the Legal Age to Rent a Car in Arizona

Most major rental companies require that the lessee of a motor vehicle be at least 25 years old. At Phoenix Car Rental, if you are 18 years of age or older, you may be eligible to rent from us. Most car rental companies offer some sort of discount if you pay for your rental car in advance. This is called a “prepaid rate.” You […]

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What Is the Legal Age of Consent in Venezuela

Amendments to Article 46 of the 1982 Civil Code in 2014 raised the minimum age of marriage with parental consent from 14 for girls to 16. There are restrictions on sexual relations with adolescents between the ages of 13 and 16 (Argentine Penal Code, art. 120). Charges may be instituted only after a complaint by the minor, his parents or guardian (article 72 of […]

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What Is the Law of Statistics

This law forms the basis of probability theory in statistics. According to this theory, if you take a large random sample of a population, then it is fairly representative of the population. The statistics are not about individuals, but about groups. This is one of the biggest limitations of statistics. To give you an example, the income of a person or the profit of […]

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What Is the Function of Legal Department

This is one of the highest-paying fields in the legal field, but some prefer legal jobs that involve litigation. The most important and obvious method is to have a real legal department as part of the company. This means that a whole group of people deals exclusively with dealing with legal issues for a company. Sometimes this group can be made up of two […]

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What Is the Difference between Ethics and Legal

Not everyone agrees that a CEO`s primary responsibility is to maximize profits for shareholders. Emanuel says leadership is responsible when it comes to pricing and has a model that is not aimed at maximizing returns. “It`s a question of what is a responsible price at which we can get a reasonable return. Let`s be fair. Many other industries do not generate a 17% to […]

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