Is It Legal to Drink on the Street Uk

Public drinking is legal in France. It is illegal to sell alcohol to minors (under 18 years of age). However, local laws may prohibit the consumption of alcohol in public or the purchase of alcohol in certain areas or at certain times. [15] The sale of alcohol in stores or outside the licence is legal between 10:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., except on Sunday mornings when the sale of alcohol is prohibited until 12:30 p.m. The sale of alcohol in bars and pubs is prohibited after 3:00 am and before 10:30 am, except for people with special permits, which are rare. These bars are known locally as “first houses”. The law prohibiting the sale of alcohol on Good Friday was amended in 2018,[27] in the same way that the ban on selling alcohol on St. Patrick`s Day was lifted in the 1970s.

[1] House of Commons Library. “Drinking in the street”. John Woodhouse and Philip Ward, Home Affairs. House of Commons. Published on 03.04.2015. Available at: The majority of Muslim-majority countries, where alcohol is legal for everyone or only for non-Muslims, have laws against drinking alcohol in public. These countries include: In Hong Kong, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in public is legal for adults over the age of 18. Alcohol consumption is not allowed on all ScotRail trains between 9pm and 10am to curb anti-social behaviour.

Although drinking alcohol in public is generally legal, national legislation punishes public drunkenness. According to Article 688 of the Italian Penal Code, any person manifestly drunk in public is liable to a fine of between 51 and 309 euros. The fine may be increased in the event of a repeat offence. [24] In Finland, the consumption of alcohol in public is prohibited in built-up areas (“taajama”), at border crossings or in public transport vehicles such as buses or trams. The law does not apply to restaurants, pubs and other licensed establishments, nor inside vehicles such as taxis or limousines used privately. Public parks or equivalent sites are also exempt, provided that the consumption of alcohol does not cause undue public disturbance. [13] Although alcohol consumption on the streets and on public transport is technically illegal, in practice the authorities only intervene in the event of a disruption. Alcohol consumption on trains and buses is more strictly prohibited, while drinking alcohol on the street is socially acceptable.

While the UK hit highs of 33°C this week, many flocked to parks, beaches and fields for a drink in the sun. However, if you are 16 or 17 years old and accompanied by an adult, you can drink beer, wine or cider with a meal (but not buy it). Drinking in public is mostly illegal in Mexico. The laws that sanction it are regulated at the municipal level – there is no federal ban on public consumption, as is the case in Mexico City[31] and Monterrey. [32] Some places are to some extent more lenient or tolerant under the law, such as some tourist areas in Cancun. However, in most cases, drinking alcohol in public is still prohibited, even if it is socially accepted and tolerated by the authorities in certain neighborhoods, communities or places. In Canada, with the exception of Quebec, possession of open containers of liquor in public is generally a violation of provincial laws and municipal ordinances. The consumption of alcohol outdoors is not allowed, except in private homes or authorized premises. Open alcohol is also illegal in parts of national and provincial parks, although this prohibition may not apply to campsites as they are temporary residences.

For example, Ontario`s provincial parks only allow alcohol [7] in campgrounds. The consumption of alcohol in public is illegal in Romania, except in spaces where events are organized for the celebration of the New Year, the days of administrative and territorial units, socio-professional categories or for the promotion of food or non-food products, but also in specially established and demarcated areas where cultural and artistic events with controlled access take place. [38] Proponents of the right to drink alcohol in public argue that it does not in itself cause problems, but that it is social problems that cause overconsumption and violence, pointing to countries that allow alcohol consumption in public but have low levels of overconsumption and violence. Proponents further argue that drinking alcohol in public helps normalize attitudes toward alcohol consumption and create a healthier drinking culture. Many Brits will go to parks and beaches to soak up the sun with a few drinks – but what is the law regarding drinking outside in the UK? It is legal for anyone over the age of 5 to drink alcohol.