Land Lot Legal Description

The Georgian method of describing land for legal descriptions began in the 1830s. At the time, much of northwestern Georgia was part of the Cherokee Nation. But the General Assembly of Georgia has enacted laws claiming all the countries of Georgia. He then divided these countries into smaller pieces: In addition to the legal description, you can see other identifying information on a land document. This is usually the address and a property tax identification number. The other legal description system is the lot and block system (also known as the registered flat system), which refers to specific parcels identified by a lot number or letter and the block or subdivision platform in which the lot is located. The block itself is located using the metes-and-bounds system or the rectangular surveying system. To identify a particular parcel, the lot and block system shows the lot and block number, the name or number of the subdivision platform, and the name of the county and state. Anyway, I didn`t tell you all these things just to turn your head. Knowledge of the township section`s allocation system comes in handy when we search for land turnaround offers in the assessor`s office, or even correctly identify the 40-acre Old Man Brown property that his son advertises cheaply on Facebook (but doesn`t have a platform for it). There are two main types of legal descriptions: lot and block descriptions, which are most often associated with subdivisions; and Metes and Bounds descriptions, which are used for non-dividing properties. Some legal descriptions include both lot and block descriptions and boundaries and boundaries. Title insurance was invented to protect property rights and solve problems arising from confusing, falsified or unclear recorded documents.

Lenders need this insurance to protect their interests in the property, so buyers want to do the same. Title insurance means that if you or your neighbor notices a problem with a legal description, you can file a title claim to resolve the issue. Once the deed identifies the property up to its ownership, it describes the property in more detail using these descriptors: Certified corner records are used to calculate measurements and determine plots and distances. A Master Data Set is a legal document submitted to the county by a licensed land surveyor to document corners of property. There is no easy solution to correcting a legal description, and it takes an experienced title professional to solve the problem. This is very common in rural areas and is known as the Metes and Bounds description. It begins with the description of a point where measurement begins, which can be abbreviated to POB, as a starting point. It usually contains information on the cantons. In short, never replace another description with the true legal description. While your title insurance will cover you for the worst, it`s always best to cover a legal description of a property before it becomes a problem.

A professional surveyor creates legal descriptions of real estate. Each community is divided into 36 numbered sections measuring one mile on each side. Therefore, you may see a property description that includes a reference to the municipality and section, such as: A legal description is a description that is legally sufficient to describe the property. Using the most recent deed for the property is usually the best way to ensure that the interest of the current owner passes to the new owner. Below is a list of other types of descriptions that are often insufficient to be considered an adequate legal description: A legal description describes where your property is located in relation to other properties. In Georgia, they describe land that identifies county, county, and property, followed by a mixed description of the property or a visual representation of the property in a survey platform. Today, the accuracy of object descriptions is greatly improved by computers, satellites, lasers and global positioning systems (GPS). The Federal Bureau of Land Management and the USDA Forest Service are developing an Integrated National Land System (NILS) that uses nationally accepted methods based on new technologies and software to record survey data and other information for land records. Metes and bounds: This type of legal description dates back hundreds of years.

It uses landmarks and distances to measure the perimeter of the property described in the legal description and is based on the physical characteristics of its geography as well as directions and distances. Are you confused when you`re just learning to read legal property descriptions? In most states, property descriptions often include a reference to a community. This goes back to a survey plan drawn up by the federal government in 1785. In this blog, we`ll talk about everything you need to know, including the legal description of real estate. But for most of us outside of Texas, the Public Land Survey System (“PLSS”) is where it is. An understanding of the township system is essential for any farmer (or woman) and will give you light years ahead of the competition when it comes to finding land. Measures are a necessary part of any legal description. The old measurements were based on chains and rods because surveyors used them to measure distances.