W Lea Studio Legale

The three partners – Francesco M., Luigi Giuseppe and Gianluca M. Esposito – supported the creation of the Association Monde – Law, Economics & Architecture in 2014 for professional and cultural purposes, research and study to respond to the complex changes of the national and international market and the challenges of Euro-unitary and national public policies. Thanks to the multidisciplinary nature of its capacities, W-L.E.A. has proved to be an appropriate structure to exploit the professional and technical possibilities of a system that has become more complex for companies and public administrations than in the past and is constantly evolving over the last twenty years. In particular, the organizational structure of W-L. E.A., which is based on the business network model, is open to national and international partners and is strongly inspired by the spirit of cooperation between professionals, scientists and managers, which has played an important role. Through the latter, the association supports institutional institutions, state, regional and local public administrations, research centers and universities, parks and national institutions for protected areas, public and private companies. It provides consulting services mainly in the areas of administrative law, business support, public loans and subsidized financing, technological innovation, research and training, territorial development planning. The subject matter of public contracts and tenders, on the one hand, and the protection of the environment, landscape and renewable energies, on the other, are the fundamental cornerstones of legal activity. Assistance in the various emergencies and problems affecting the world of SMEs in access to credit is the main activity of economic and financial advice, in addition to more general services related to supporting business growth support processes.

The government of the territory and the integration between urban, landscape and environmental interests, udidano the activity of supporting public and private actors of territorial policy. During a long period of great financial stress and general economic crisis, over the last decade he has helped many SMEs in processes aimed at maintaining, restarting and repositioning the Italian and foreign market in different areas and sectors: agribusiness, industry, tourism, real estate. He dealt with the economic and financial profile in terms of medium- and long-term strategic planning, without neglecting the inevitable in-depth analysis of potential financial services and functional and extraordinary frameworks with a continuous study of corporate finance. From the same angle, he has dedicated himself to human services, welfare, social health and the tertiary sector, and is dedicated to this great commitment, both in the management of management and in the integration of existing services. President since 2015 of the consortium UNERFA, European Union for Applied Research and Training, with the aim of uniting public and private institutions in the pursuit of objectives and activities of study, research, prevention and treatment in the context of social difficulties of all kinds and kinds. President of AISFI, the Italian Association for Innovative Training Services, which focuses on training mainly in the social and health sector, has created a higher education centre in the latter sector involving major companies in the sector, accredited and affiliated to the NHS. The entrepreneurial vision has been constantly inspired by the creation of synergies, by partnerships in terms of knowledge and scientific research in areas of interest for business development, and on this basis, by the alliance on the ground between entrepreneurs and professionals with regard to the “social value” of economic initiative as a lever for well-being, Growth and development. Internally protected by art. 41 and in Europe by the SBA. Per il conseguimento dei propri fini culturali e di ricerca l`Associazione si avvale del Comitato scientifico che fornisce gli indirizzi e dà impulso alle attività riservate alla conoscenza e di studio. Per l`erogazione delle attività professionali W.-L.E.A. si avvale dei Dipartimenti di materia nelle tre aree di riferimento, legale, economica e urbanistica.

Lea Jacobs is Mae D. Huettig Professor of Communication Arts and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor at UW-Madison. She has published on the history of the American studio system, performance in film and theater, melodrama and the image of women, and film music. She is the author of The Wages of Sin: Censorship and the Fallen Woman Film, Theatre to Cinema (written with Ben Brewster), The Decline of Sentiment: American Film in the 1920s and Rhythm After Sound: Technology, Music and Performance. She was a member of the Guggenheim and ACLS. As the director of more than a hundred films and with a career spanning fifty years, John Ford had a profound influence on Hollywood cinema. He shaped the careers of big stars such as Henry Fonda and John Wayne, but also created a corporation of character actors known for their supporting roles. He worked with some of Hollywood`s best cinematographers such as Arthur Miller, Bert Glennon, and Joseph August, and with William Wyler and Gregg Toland, among others, helped launch long-form cinematography in the 1930s and early 1940s (Orson Welles claimed to have seen Ford`s stagecoach forty times before the filming of Citizen Kane).