What Does Legal Guardian Mean in California

Informal guardianship is a good option if a parent needs long-term hospitalization or leaves the United States for an extended period of time. In addition, informal guardianship is useful if the parties do not want a formal court guardianship order. On the other hand, legal guardianship is permanent and can only be revoked by court order. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict a court`s view on a point of law. If you need legal advice, I encourage you to consult a lawyer. My sister is dead and my niece is 12 years old, her father lives in Mexico and he wants a full co-study from her. She is diabetic Tipe 1 and I want to get her permanent guardianship? Can I still have my niece and keep her in the country and give her health insurance!? You should probably seek advice from a lawyer about what options you have, and then contact us for document preparation. In general, the court will appoint you as guardian of a child if the parents are unable or unwilling to exercise their parental rights. You will need to apply for a new change of guardianship. You will need to speak to a lawyer to discuss issues regarding your legal rights. California law does not allow us to provide legal advice.

A legal guardian appointed by the court of a minor must be qualified for this function. In addition, the legal guardian of a minor must be at least 18 years of age without conviction for felonies or misdemeanours. Talk to an immigration lawyer first. Purposes e You are legal here, you can probably apply for legal guardianship. We can help you with these documents. Hello Mrs. McCarthy, I have received guardianship from my adopted daughter`s little sister. I also want to adopt it. Would that be a difficult process? The case is very different from that of my daughters who were adopted into foster care. In this case, this young woman was also adopted, but her adoptive mother told me she didn`t want her anymore and simply dropped her off at my door.

Should she go back to foster so I can legally adopt her, or can I move from guardianship to adoption? Thank you, worried mother My ex-mother-in-law, who is 83 years old, applied for guardianship of my grandson and did not register me as a parent. Because of her actions, she has a temporary guardianship and the hearing is scheduled for July 14. The judge told me that I could not produce documents because I was not a party to the trial. How can I intervene to be considered a legal guardian? Hi My name is Jessica, I am currently taking care of my 2 month old niece who I had since the day after her birth and imprisonment. When her mother was released a week later, she returned to the streets. I could not locate his mother in order to obtain a written Gaurdianschaft. What would be the best way to obtain legal guardianship for her without a written document edited by her? What options do I have to end the guardianship and return it to the state? Guardianship of the person`s estate is established because a child lives with an adult who is not the child`s parent and the adult needs a court order to make decisions on behalf of the child. In general, inheritance guardianship is for children under the age of 18. In the case of immigrant youth applying for special youth immigration status, the law allows for the application (or extension) of guardianship for a youth who is already 18 years of age but still under 21 years of age. Click here to learn how.

The role of the court also differs during and after guardianship and adoption. During the guardianship period, the court may supervise the guardian. In addition, the court may terminate guardianship if the child`s parents are able to care for the child. However, after an adoption, the court does not supervise the adoptive families and cannot decide to cancel an adoption if the parents are able to care for the child. When should you establish formal legal guardianship for a minor? When can you use other guardianship forms, such as a guardianship licence or affidavit to approve caregivers? Read on to learn more about the different types of guardianship for minor children, what forms are required for each, and how A People`s Choice can help. Guardianship is sometimes necessary when, no matter how much parents love their child, they are unable to become parents. I go through cps they did not kidnap my children but threatened to kidnap them. I signed a normal piece of paper that gives my mother temporary guardianship of my grandmother, this work is still ongoing. While I`m doing my outpatient program, I`m not trying to lose my 11 kids in the system, I`m trying to improve and have them all together, so my mom lives here in my house I need answers please help A judicial guardianship requires an order from a judge.

The investigation is usually not conducted by the CPS, but by Family Court Services. It would be necessary to inform potential fathers, but from what seems to indicate that they will not respond when they are out of state. Let us know if you need help with the formalities as they are quite extensive. Hi, my ex-husband and I have had 50/50 custody both physically and legally for our son since he was 5 years old and he is now almost 12 years old. Well, I left the county 4 years ago and we weren`t in court to change the agreement. My ex-husband has a new girlfriend who lives with him and he keeps telling me that she is our son`s guardian and that she has the right to do whatever she wants since she lives in the house, but I am still very involved in my sons` lives. Is it fair and can she ever get guardianship while both parents are still alive and have no substance abuse? When establishing guardianship for minors in California, it is important to understand the different options available and how each affects the legal rights of all parties. There are two main types of guardianship for minor children: informal guardianship and legal guardianship. Hi, my husband and are the grandparents of our 14 year old granddaughter, Our granddaughter lives in California and we live in Arizona.

Her mother is an alcoholic and homeless and cannot take care of her. We would like to have some kind of guardianship to bring our granddaughter here to Arizona to live with us. We would need medical, educational and legal approval until she turned 18. Is this possible without a lawyer? Do I need to file guardianship documents in California or Arizona? Our granddaughter`s father is dead, so she receives an SS check until she is 18. Do I have to go to the Social Security office in California or Arizona to change that? Plus, it`s on Medical, so I`m taking care of it here in Arizona? We cannot afford to pay a lawyer for this whole mess. Thank you, Linda Guardianship for the estate is established to manage a child`s income, money or other property until the child turns 18. A child may need a guardian of the estate if they inherit money or assets. In most cases, the court appoints the surviving parent as guardian of the child`s estate. If only one parent is alive and that parent determines that they will die from a terminal cancer diagnosis, can they issue a letter of approval to a half-brother to care for that child, and would that half-brother have to undergo a background check by social services to be eligible for that type of guardianship? The child is 13 years old. There are no other living relatives.

Hello, my little sister is 17 years old, she will be 18 in May 2018. She lives with my mother here in California. My mother and father are separated. My sister wants to live in Connecticut with her boyfriend and family and be enrolled there to finish high school. My mother gave her consent to move. My father doesn`t want her to leave. What will she need to move there and be registered by her mom friend (who also knows and agrees that my sister makes fun of them)?? Thanks in advance. Guardianship of minor children allows a person to make decisions on behalf of children. Under guardianship, control is transferred temporarily or permanently from one biological or adoptive parent to another person. As a rule, the guardian of a minor is appointed in the event of incapacity, disability or death of the legal parent.

Hi, I`m going to answer some, so what`s going on on my mom right after 28. October my daughter lives with her aunt the aunt has more rights than me than her father Most likely, she will have to apply for a court-approved official legal guardianship to add you to her health insurance. Maybe she should ask her insurance company. I would talk to the Kansas attorney general to find out what your rights are with respect to that guardianship, because that is the state where the order was issued. Asher – we are not lawyers, so if you need advice, you should consult a lawyer. Once you know which documents you wish to submit, you can contact us. Hi Quiana – I`m not sure what kind of legal documents you`re trying to do. You may want to call the office at 800-747-2780.

Unfortunately, we can`t give you legal advice, but if you decide you need to proceed with legal guardianship, we can certainly help you with this paperwork, I don`t think it would make you unjustified, but you can ask a lawyer what they think.