What Does Occasioned Mean in Law

“The occasion of a wedding,” she writes, “often involves a ceremony, a cocktail, a dinner, and a dance. These acts are close in time and space and have a common theme (celebrating the happy couple); Their bonds are, in fact, what makes them members of a single event. But they don`t appear at the same time: newlyweds would certainly be offended if a guest organized a conga line in the middle of their vows. Our most important resource is our people, the trade-offs, the decisions we have made, and then the budget cuts caused by sequestration or sequestration-like reductions – the cumulative effect of that is what worries me, and the reduction in our capacity. It`s not as great as it was a year or two ago. And if we continue these reductions, it will continue to have negative effects. Every composer knows the fear and despair caused by forgetting ideas for which one did not have time. Ridicule is created by any defect that is not accompanied by pain or fatal consequences; Thus, an ugly and distorted face does not fail to laugh if it is not caused by pain. Any costs or consequences arising from the court`s repetition of this clear requirement at this late stage are also attributable exclusively to the defendant. Gorsuch, for his part, thought Wooden should win as well. But he said he would govern for Wooden by applying the “rule of clemency.” This means, he explained, that if the language of a law is difficult to decipher, it must be interpreted in favor of the defendant or, as Gorsuch put it, “in favor of freedom.” Note: Although Latin occÄsiÅ is formally a derivative of occidere, it does not reflect the meaning of this verb; Cf. other derivatives of Cedere “fall”, such as accidere “to arrive” (see accident) and cesus “event, coincidence” (see case entry 1).

The verbal noun, which semantically corresponds to the occiderera, is occÄsus “to flow (from the sun), to set, to fall”. This prompted Justice Elena Kagan, who wrote for the majority, to delve deeper into the meaning of the word “occasion.” She consulted common language and referred to a wedding ceremony and a (separate) fight in a bar to clarify her point of view. A judge had decided otherwise, and as a result of the ACCA sentence increase, Wooden was sentenced to 16 years in prison for the firearms offence, instead of what would likely have been two years. Wooden will now be able to appeal this decision. So, for now, set your sights on a special occasion and plan it with your partner. Seasonal or Special Occasions – The one-page work plan cannot exceed eight (8) square feet and the total work plan cannot exceed sixteen (16) square feet. It was also an opportunity to show tenacity voluntarily. Whether it`s dinner and a drink after eating the best movies in Sundance or lunch before hitting the slopes, Park City`s restaurants have it all. Don`t take the opportunity to refer to a situation where it`s possible for someone to do something. Instead, take advantage of the opportunity or coincidence. Staff also testified that they saw women leave Salsman`s office “in tears or desperate” on several occasions. What if Kagan`s imaginary bar brawl spilled onto the street, Gorsuch wrote.

What would be the verdict if the attacker “attacked one victim in the bar and another 20 minutes later on the street outside, in part because the second victim called the police? Are these two attacks part of a “continuous flow” of behavior? Do they even happen `in the same place`? Or someone else. “A fight in a bar breaks out, and one guest hits first, then another, then a third of his fellow drinkers,” Kagan said. According to the government`s interpretation of the law, these would be three “opportunities”. But Kagan, who was joined by seven other judges, said: “The opportunity in the hypothetical bar brawl is the fight in the bar, not every fist.” The opportunity should also be used to increase the balances of depositors with unprofitable accounts. Mr. Brown grabs the offered member and exerts as much pressure as the event audience allows. He never experienced fatigue, and once it is said that he spent thirteen days and nights in the saddle. An occasion is a certain time when something happens. The answer, according to a Supreme Court statement released Monday, is that the 10 came once. And that`s very important for Wooden, who isn`t done with legal troubles. The only judge who did not follow Kagan`s approach was Judge Neil M.

Gorsuch. He said disputes over ACCA wording “have received so much attention from this court for so many years” and he feared Kagan`s introduction of a multifaceted test to define “opportunity” would not help. Were his crimes 10 crimes committed on one “occasion,” or was every burglary in the line committed on another occasion? They often say that something happens on a certain occasion. For Hitchcock, this is not a sweet sentence from a former colleague, but a letter of condolence on his own death. Middle English occasioun “opportunity, incitement, reason or justification, event”, borrowed from Anglo-French and medieval Latin; Anglo-French occasion, borrowed from medieval Latin occÄsiÅn-, occÄsiÅ “opportunity, circumstance, cause, pretext”, return in Latin, “favorable circumstances, opportunity”, from oc-cad-, base of occidère “to be knocked over, to die, to sink under the horizon” + -tiÅn- -tiÅ, suffix of verbal action to more in the West Seasonal or special occasions must be at least twenty (20) feet from the front of the curb or sidewalk of a road However, At intersections, signage must be at least fifty (50) feet from the intersection of the rights-of-way.