How to run company in Ukraine

Corporate law of Ukraine is based on continental Europe corporate law. Usually, R&D companies formed as Limited Liability Companies (LLC). Non-residents can own part of company up to 100% (inclusive). Dividends may be paid to non-residents. Non-resident may acquire or sell its stake in company without restrictions. Information about company, company owners, company beneficiaries among with director and accountant are public. You have to be in person in Ukraine at least once to obtain non-resident tax identification code and to sign power of attorney (POA) to your law firm for company registration activities. Usually, it costs you about 300$ to register company in Ukraine.

Full description of taxation system in Ukraine is fairly complex, so it is out of scope of this document. Fortunately, typical R&D activities are fairly simple in taxation perspective and have a lot of implicit legal tax deductions. Most of engineers and software developers are registered as private entrepreneurs and you may sign direct consulting contracts with you team members. You may expect that total taxation load would be around 10% of your company R&D budget.
Mass production and mass export / import activities are much more complex. In general, there 2 main taxes in Ukraine: corporate profit tax (in 2016 rate is 18%) and VAT (in 2016 rate is 20%). Also, there are tax-like government pension payments that corporations have to pay for salaries for full-time employees (not consulters).
Good news, that most of the accounting companies can provide you with taxation advises and help organize your taxation properly.

Accounting of Ukrainian company have to be done by professional accountant or by special accounting outsourcing company. There are many accounting outsourcing companies to choose. Most of them also provide you with other services related to company (foundation, registration, contract drafting, accounting, taxation, reporting).

Banking system in Ukraine is very developed. Most of operations can be done via Internet (or via mobile phone app). Usually, accounting company may perform regular day-to day banking operations. Most developed banking IT system operated by Privat bank.

Law and legislation
In case you need legal support or consultancy of lawyer, there are local law firms available.