Do You Have to Be Legally Married in the Bible

In addition, 1 Corinthians 7:2 indicates that sex before marriage is immoral. If sexual intercourse causes a couple to marry, it cannot be considered immoral, because the couple was considered married at the time they had sex. There is absolutely no biblical basis for an unmarried couple to have sex and then declare themselves married, thus declaring all future sexual relations moral and pious. 1) God considers a married couple only if they are legally married. The biblical support generally given to this view is the biblical commandment to obey the laws of government (Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:17). The argument is that if the government requires certain procedures and documents to be completed before a marriage is recognized, then a couple should go through that process. It is definitely biblical for a couple to submit to the government as long as the requirements do not contradict the Word of God and are reasonable. Romans 13:1â2 tells us: Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority other than that which God has instituted. The authorities that exist have been appointed by God. Therefore, he who rebels against authority rebels against what God has instituted, and those who do will pass judgment on themselves.

Marriage, as you can see, is a pre-political institution. It existed long before the state existed. And all that recent governments have done is create legal protection and privileges that provide certain benefits to the couple. Well, but the state did not create marriages. And this is the reason why the state should not redefine marriage. Marriage is an institution ordained by God, not an institution ordained by the state. Nowhere does the Bible explicitly state the exact moment when God considers a couple to be married. There are three common positions: I know that we have many young people in the church who can be deceived on this subject, as well as older people, we will look at three different scenarios to see what constitutes a marriage after God. I was deceived many years ago, I thought that the lady I was going to make my wife that in the eyes of God, it was normal to live together and realize our intentions before the Lord. Please don`t allow anyone to make you believe that sex outside of a legal marriage is acceptable because it is NOT! The enemy will use this tactic he uses against me and I am sure many others. Have fun studying the Bible. God does not need state registration to recognize a marriage.

However, in the eyes of the government, Christians cannot marry without obtaining a marriage certificate. The reason they want to marry in the eyes of the government is that if you marry according to government standards, you get all the protections, benefits, and privileges that come with state-sanctioned marriage. Of course, these should help to take care of, promote and care for the families who are getting together and getting married. Therefore, I would recommend to Christians not only to marry in the eyes of God, but also to take the next step and get married in the eyes of the government and get the marriage certificate. In this way, they can work with the government and receive the protection and privileges that come with state-sanctioned marriage. My son is a VERY smart boy, in the top 10% of his class in college, but since he started studying philosophy, he has had weird ideas about God, etc. I want to show him that they must be legally married, but I can`t find anywhere in the Bible that it says “How to get married”,he just says to get married. Can you help me find an answer, or is my son right? Any advice would be appreciated. Even today, my wife and I live in the United States. When we got married, our pastor married us. I would say that in God`s eyes, that`s when my wife and I got married. Then, at a later date, we filled out the appropriate government forms — the marriage certificate — and we got it to be part of the government-approved marriage.

So yes, Christians can marry without state registration, and in God`s eyes, they are actually married. 1) God considers a married couple only if they are legally married.