Dumb Laws in the U.s

We`ve all heard urban legends and rumors about absurd laws in America, but you can`t believe everything you read on the Internet. There are really crazy laws out there. They may have made sense when they were written, but today they seem a bit questionable, strange, or just plain stupid. And it seems that every state has at least a few. www.silive.com/news/2017/05/strangest_laws_in_new_york_sta.html#:~:text=It`s%20OK%20to%20wear%20your,in%20public%20past%2010%20p.m.&text=In%20New%20York%20State%2C%20you,a%20clothes%20line%20to%20dry. www.onlyinyourstate.com/south-dakota/crazy-laws-sd/ Many states have laws restricting various activities on Sundays, but in Iowa it is illegal to sell cars or recreational vehicles on Sundays. This Gainesville, Georgia ordinance, passed in 1961 to promote the city, specifically prohibits eating fried chicken with anything other than your hands. Although the “law” is not really taken literally and is rarely enforced, a visitor was arrested for using a knife and fork to eat her fried chicken in 2009. www.losangelesduilawyer.org/los-angeles-dui-info/7-laws-you-did`t-know-you-were-breaking/ Governing a great country is hard work, and you`ll be hated by half the population you govern. Remember that the person at the top is also responsible for the laws on which the entire democratic system is based. And laws are passed after a vote in Congress, sometimes after a public vote, and then after confirmation from the president.

With these stupid laws that we have gathered below, we do not know where common sense has been lost. We scoured the internet and official government websites to find some of the weirdest laws in place today. Florida got into trouble in 2013 when it accidentally banned all computers in the state. A confusingly worded law banning Internet cafes involved in illegal gambling has led to a lawsuit, arguing that the ban could be interpreted as applying to any device connected to the internet. www.baltimoresun.com/maryland/bs-md-antiquated-laws-20180917-story.html#:~:text=%C2%BB%20Fortunetelling%20is%20illegal%20in%20Baltimore,for%20up%20to%20a%20year. What you`ll find below are some of the most believable incredible, much courtesy of dumblaws.com, the ultimate collection of stupid laws. Did you know that there is a crazy law in Juneau, Alaska that prohibits you from taking your flamingo to a hair salon? Or that you will be sued in Tenessee for passing on your Netflix password? And if you`re originally from Indiana, are you forbidden to catch a fish with your bare hands? It would certainly be interesting to know why these weirdest laws became laws in the United States in the first place. It`s one of those laws that really scratches your head and thinks, “There must be a story here.” There is probably, unfortunately, that it was lost through the vineyard and all we have left now is this strange rule of the dairy.

However, no written law about getting up doesze off. To get a better idea of the strangeness of U.S. regulations, we`ve rounded up 15 of the weirdest laws in the entire country. Websites like dumblaws.com — which rarely refer to or misinterpret current state laws — only perpetuate myths. Yes, it is illegal for a drunk person to enter a bar in Alaska. No, a woman`s hair does not legally belong to her husband in Michigan. The list goes on. There are many laws that make perfect sense – we wouldn`t want it to be legal to shoot a hit-and-run or break into a house to steal a TV. In addition to all these practical rules, there are laws that are so strange that they are almost unbelievable. Other strange laws include: It is forbidden to open an umbrella on the street in Alabama, denying someone a glass of water is prohibited in Arizona, and it is also illegal to collect rainwater in Colorado. www.phoenixarizonacriminallawyer.com/criminal-attorney/arizona-criminal-law/the-stories-behind-arizonas-weirdest-laws/#:~:text=Law%20%234%3A%20donkeys,reasons%2C%20we%E2%80%99re%20sure.

Nebraska laws prohibit anyone with an STD from marrying. This law is designed to protect people from the unknowing marriage of someone with a sexually transmitted disease – but it is difficult to enforce. If you get a marriage license in Nebraska, you don`t need to present your medical records or history, just photo ID and proof of age – no blood test is required.