Es Legal Tener Un Erizo
For this reason, as a rule, “the animal is cared for, the legal situation is explained to the owner and lets him decide what to do,” concludes the veterinarian. Hedgehogs are small mammals of the family Erinaceinae and order Eulipotyphla. They live in Africa, Europe and Asia, although they have also been introduced to other regions where they did not originate, such as New Zealand. African hedgehogs usually carry the adjective “pygmies” included in the noun, although they are also known as white-bellied chigels. In taxonomy, they belong to mammals and were described by Wagner in 1841 and given the name Atelerix albiventris. Thus, African hedgehogs are an endemic species of Africa, banned on Spanish territory. Indeed, it is included in the catalog of invasive alien species and can negatively affect the country`s species. This small mammal with short legs and adorable face became fashionable among exotic animal lovers a few years ago, but it is not so easy to have it as a pet. Having a hedgehog as a pet, especially if we do not know the ethology of the species, promotes the development of behavioral problems such as stress, which in turn can provoke the development of certain pathologies. Therefore, not only would we be violating the five freedoms of animal welfare, but we would also be endangering the welfare of species. African hedgehogs are found mainly in the African savannah and in grassy areas with undergrowth. They are widespread in West, Central and East Africa, where they form their nests in hollows such as crevices or trees.
Have you found a hedgehog and don`t know what to do? In the following link, the EriSOS association describes point by point how to behave according to the case, with all the data and useful tips so that you can help the little one if necessary. Please read carefully point by point and follow the instructions in all cases to ensure that you are acting correctly. It is strongly advised that insects, fruits and vegetables are present when feeding the hedgehog. African hedgehogs have been one of the best-known species in recent years after being adopted and kept as pets. However, the reality of this seemingly native animal is different. As surprising as it may seem, African hedgehogs are listed in the Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species. There are many exotic animals to adopt from animal shelters and shelters. People who want to have a hedgehog as a pet must first go to these centers. If they cannot find one there, they must go to professional breeders who will issue them health and origin certificates. There are many national and international regulations, catalogues and conventions that must be consulted to ensure that ownership of a particular animal is legal or not.
The development of a white list would not only facilitate this, but would also help prevent animal abandonment and illegal trade. Hedgehogs are especially known for their beards – hollow hairs full of keratin. These are not toxic or sharp (always cause pain) and can be pushed back to adolescence or during periods of stress. When threatened, they can roll in on themselves and form a small ball of beards, as this is their natural defense mechanism. They show five fingers with extremely sharp nails, which allows them to dig to get food in the ground, they eat mainly insects. They sniff continuously. A hedgehog as a pet? Just like moths go to the fire when we see one of those barbed wireballs, we want to pet and cuddle it. What for? Maybe it`s because of that little face of the good guys they have and those mini legs! Various animals are becoming more and more fashionable as pets. No more having only one cat or dog, and today we see a lot of people who have ferrets, snakes or others as pets. Many people wonder, for example, if you can have a hedgehog as a pet.
Have you thought about adopting one? Based on the information we have provided you, only you can decide if you want and can have a hedgehog as a pet. If you decide to do so, we can only decide that you will live very tender moments with him. Enjoy! What can we do at this point if we see someone with a hedgehog? Should they be denounced? Gonzalez-Iglesias has mixed feelings. “As veterinarians, we cannot refuse to take care of any animal. Yes, we have to report on the law in this regard, but we have no obligation to report,” he explains. “It`s a controversial issue.” Before talking about legality, we must be aware that it is not advisable to have wild species as pets. These types of animals must develop certain behaviors in their natural habitat, and captivity ends with these ideal situations. You should also know that hedgehogs are solitary, but they have a good character. Although they do not live in groups, they are generally not particularly aggressive towards other animals or humans.
What can aggravate his character is having to live in small spaces that restrict his movements. The hedgehog is a small mammal of the family Erinaceinae. Currently, there are 16 species, divided into five genera, which are distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa. These animals have become extremely popular as pets in recent years, but we should know that they are nocturnal animals that feed mainly on insects. We begin by pointing out that the hedgehog is not a pet because, unlike the dog or cat, it has not lived closely with humans. This leads to the fact that their possession in a domestic environment is incompatible with the needs and behaviors of the species, for example, when searching for insects. The Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species includes two species of hedgehogs, the African (or white-bellied) dwarf hedgehog and the Egyptian hedgehog (or long-eared hedgehog). It is forbidden to adopt these two species (and their subspecies) in Spain. Many people have a hedgehog as a pet, be prepared to take care of them with the exotic animal technician course. Specialize in spiked balls! The reality is that since the publication of Royal Decree 630/2013 of August 3, 2013, which regulates the Spanish catalogue of invasive alien species, the African hedgehog (as well as the Egyptian hedgehog) is considered an invasive species in Spain.
This means that all owners who have not registered their hedgehogs with the Ministry before February 2015 have illegal animals, as regulations prohibit the breeding, possession, transfer and release of these animals. But why did the hedgehog become an invasive species? Pilar González-Iglesias, veterinarian and founder of the Exovet Clinic, which belongs to the VeterSalud network of veterinary clinics, explains that “when a hedgehog escapes, in some areas it has the ability to adapt, survive and multiply”. As we have seen, African hedgehogs have a cute and delicate appearance and, despite the spines, look like stuffed animals. Therefore, many people have decided to adopt them and keep them as pets without considering other factors. There are quite a few hedgehogs that are adopted and released into the natural environment. On the other hand, many injured hedgehogs appear on our roads. These animals also deserve decent health care. However, many people choose to keep exotic animals as pets.
But is it legal to have a hedgehog in Spain? Nevertheless, and beyond legality, we must bear in mind that these are not pets, but wild animals.