Examples of Religious Moral Laws That Criminals Break

In your response, refer to the scriptures or another source of religious belief and teaching. 2. Give two examples of religious moral laws that some criminals break. (2) 4. Explain two religious beliefs about the death penalty. In your answer, you should refer to Britain`s most important religious tradition and one or more other religious traditions. (4) Over the centuries, religion has played an important role in criminal justice. In the fourteenth century, the Puritans of England introduced the concepts of bail, protection from self-incrimination, and jury trial. These ideas became central to the English common law that the colonists brought to America. Religious organizations have also tried to tailor penalties to the crime, rather than imposing harsh penalties for all crimes. They preferred rehabilitation to retaliation or revenge. Some religious movements outlawed slavery, protected workers` rights, sought equal rights for women, and set standards for “indecent” behavior.

Those who settled in North America from Europe came primarily from the Christian faith, which greatly influenced the development of criminal justice systems in the United States. The fundamental Christian belief is that God created the world, established certain moral laws, and that violating those laws can lead to suffering and punishment. U.S. criminal laws flow from these moral standards and set penalties for violations. 2. State two religious beliefs about forgiveness. (2) In your answer, you must refer to one or more religious traditions. (4) After decades of immigration, the United States has become much more religiously diverse. Each religion has its own traditions and offers many interpretations of crime and punishment.

Moreover, each member of a religion has their own views on crime and punishment. 3. Explain two similar religious beliefs about breaking the law. Many police services have established codes of conduct to regulate police activities. Ethical standards also influence prison punishment strategies, including the use of solitary confinement, patrol searches, and the admission of visitors such as church officials and family members. In courtrooms, ethical concerns are used to dampen or prevent the desire for retaliation, lies on the witness stand, and honest and impartial interpretation of evidence. 1. Which of the following is not a motive for a crime? (1) 5. “Corporal punishment can never be justified.” Morality establishes certain accepted norms called ethics. One standard is the integrity and fairness of the criminal justice system.

Part of the ethics of the early Americans was incorporated into the U.S. Constitution of 1789 regarding freedom and the pursuit of happiness. This ethic regulates, for example, how the police exercise their legal power over citizens, particularly with regard to the use of force, deception or invasion of privacy. 5. “Reform is the best goal of punishment.” 3. Explain two opposing beliefs in contemporary British society about the death penalty for murder.