Legal Age to Smoke in Ukraine
The law has provoked discontent among smokers in Ukraine, who intend to challenge it in court and demand its abolition. (Na Ukraine Vveli Totalnyi Zapret na Kurenie [Total smoking ban in Ukraine (in Russian)], LENTA.RU (24 May 2012).) According to a survey by the World Health Organization, 28.8% of the Ukrainian population smoked in 2010. (WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, 2011, Country Profile of Ukraine (2011).) The Advertising Act regulates the advertising and sponsorship of all products, including tobacco products. The Tobacco Control Act and the Alcohol and Tobacco Regulation Act contain certain provisions restricting tobacco advertising. Law No. 3778 makes several amendments to the Advertising Law and the Tobacco Control Act. The amendments came into force in September 2012 and further restrict tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. The Administrative Offences Act provides penalties for smokers who violate smoke-free zones. All other sanctions are provided for in the relevant applicable law. The legal measures of this country have been reviewed by our legal staff in consultation with lawyers or tobacco control experts in the country. Some notable exceptions are Germany, where the limit applies everywhere, as in Singapore, and the United Kingdom, where the minimum age for smokers is 16. In Ukraine, it is legal for people to smoke at the age of 14, although they must be 18 and older to buy tobacco products.
A surrogacy arrangement in a country close to Ukraine must comply with the law of that country, not Ukrainian law. In other countries, surrogacy arrangements may be illegal in certain circumstances. From now on, it is forbidden to smoke electronic cigarettes and vapes in and near health facilities, sports and educational institutions, near and within public catering establishments, as well as in cultural institutions (cinemas and theaters). This prohibition also applies to premises of state authorities, hostels, airports (except specially designated places), playgrounds, railway and bus stations, public transport stops. It will also not be possible to smoke electronic tobacco heaters in elevators, subways, public transport and taxis. In California, where Los Angeles and San Francisco are located, an 18-year-old is allowed to smoke, but must ask someone over 21 to buy their cigarettes. Law No. Law 1019-IX on amendments to certain legal acts of Ukraine on restricting the movement of excise goods, devices for consuming tobacco products without their combustion and strengthening the control of the sale of such products amends the provisions of Law 481/95 on smoke-free places and sales restrictions and makes these restrictions applicable to electronic cigarettes. Law 1019-1X also amends the Misdemeanors Act.
Law No. 1978-IX amending certain laws of Ukraine on the protection of public health from the harmful effects of tobacco: (1) amending the provisions of Law 481/95 on packaging and labelling, smoke-free places and restrictions on the sale of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes; 2) amends the provisions of the Advertising Act to include e-cigarettes, and 3) amends Law 2899-IV to (a) regulate the content, issuance and disclosure of cigarettes and e-cigarettes, (b) update packaging and labelling requirements for smoked and smokeless tobacco products and e-cigarettes, and (c) extend the complete ban on advertising, promotion and sponsorship to e-cigarettes. It is illegal to sell or give tobacco products directly or indirectly to minors, and anyone caught doing so will be subject to severe penalties. Always carry your passport with you for identification purposes. The police may carry out passport checks on foreigners. Police officers must introduce themselves (name, letter, rank, reason for identity verification) and present a document confirming their position. Your original passport is required, as no other document can give information about your legal status in Ukraine. If you are arrested because you were unable to present your passport, you must request an official report. We strongly recommend that you seek specialist and independent legal advice in the UK and the country before making or changing arrangements. Singapore is not the first country to set the age limit at 21. The others are: Honduras (Central America), Kuwait (Middle East), Samoa (Oceania), Sri Lanka (South Asia) and Uganda (East Africa). All of these countries are the only ones in their respective regions to set the legal age at 21, with Singapore being part of Southeast Asia.
The legal smoking age in Singapore could rise from 18 to 21 if a new bill is passed, which will be introduced in Parliament on Monday 2 October. You should seek legal advice: in the UK, parenting orders and documents required for citizenship determination and travel documents Some of the places where the legal age in the US is set at 21 are New York (but not all of New York State), Boston (but not all of Massachusetts) and Hawaii. Since 2012, various jurisdictions around the world have legalized recreational cannabis. In Mexico, Uruguay and jurisdictions where cannabis can be purchased, the legal age to possess or purchase cannabis is the same as the age to purchase tobacco (18 in Mexico and Uruguay and 21 in the United States). In Canada, the legal age to possess or purchase cannabis is 19 in all provinces and territories except Alberta (18) and Quebec (21). There are therefore three Canadian provinces (Manitoba, Quebec and Saskatchewan) and two territories (Northwest Territories and Yukon) where the age to purchase tobacco is below the age of possession and purchase of cannabis, and one province (Prince Edward Island) where the age of tobacco purchase is higher.