Legal and Biological Parenthood

Being a parent requires commitment and sacrifice, and the legal status of father makes that relationship possible. If you have questions about parental rights after a divorce or paternity in general, we can help. Contact Tampa divorce and family law attorneys at All Family Law Group, P.A. in Tampa Bay for a free consultation. They can be reached at 813-672-1900. At the end of the twentieth century, assisted reproductive technologies (ART) offered these people new hope and changed family formation practices.134 Married heterosexual couples who would have left childless in previous generations found their way through ART.135 The use of donor sperm had allowed women with infertile husbands to have children for decades. often without anyone but the doctor knowing. that the child does not interact biologically with the husband.136 Now, women who were struggling with infertility themselves found hope in a variety of new techniques. With Voluntary Paternity Recognition (GAP), a man (and the child`s biological mother) attested to his status as a biological father.79 Despite significant reforms for “illegitimate” children throughout the nineteenth century, the importance of legitimacy remained. While many states provided mechanisms by which men could grant rights to their illegitimate children,51 equality with legitimate children proved elusive.52 In particular, paternal inheritance remained elusive.53 Until the mid-twentieth century, some states required single fathers to engage in elaborate procedures simply to have legally protected relations with their illegitimate children.54 The leading reformer of “illegitimacy” remarked that the law remained “an uncertain mixture of old English common law, tempered by occasional flashes of modern thought – limited and narrow laws aimed only at certain aspects of illegitimacy.” 55 Assisted reproduction is now common not only among same-sex couples, but also among opposite-sex couples and individuals. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 80,000 children were born through assisted reproduction in 2017. (The CDC includes children born through in vitro fertilization (IVF), but not through the relatively common method of donor semination, and therefore significantly underestimates the number of children conceived through assisted reproduction.) The use of IVF, third-party eggs and sperm, as well as surrogacy has exploded.

These developments have led many parents to raise children with whom they are not biologically related. The Anglo-American legal system first understood filiation as a relationship defined by marriage. The presumption of marriage or the presumption of legitimacy recognized the mother`s husband as the child`s legal father.25 According to English common law, overcoming the presumption required proof that “the husband is outside the Kingdom of England. for more than nine months, so that no access to his wife can be suspected. 26 As this statement of fact suggests, the presumption would have reflected biological parenthood.27 The non-recognition of non-biological unmarried parents is particularly problematic for same-sex couples who are not in a situation similar to that of opposite-sex couples with respect to biological parenting. Same-sex couples necessarily include a parent without pregnancy or genetic link to the child180 and are therefore particularly vulnerable in a parentage regime where recognition affects the biological link. Nevertheless, courts have generally held that laws fulfill equality obligations as long as a non-biological lesbian parent in an unmarried same-sex couple is treated in the same way as a non-biological father in an unmarried opposite-sex couple.181 In most jurisdictions, none of these individuals normally have parentage without adoption.182 Use of donor eggs or embryos Usually, There is no controversy. Since the woman giving birth was the expectant mother, others would rarely know that she was not genetically related to the child. When disputes arise, they often arise during the dissolution of a relationship, when the husband or partner of the biological mother (and the biological father of the child) tries to use the mother`s lack of genetic link to deny her parental status. While the presumption traditionally made the husband of a biological parent the legal father, today the presumption also covers same-sex female couples, so the same-sex spouse of the biological parent is considered the legal parent. Legislators in some states have reformed their parentage laws to make the gender-neutral application of the presumption of marriage explicit. Some have done so by passing the 2017 Uniform Parentage Act (UPA), which provides that “a person is deemed to be the parent of a child if. The person and woman who gave birth to the child are married to each other and the child is born during the marriage. In states where legislators have not expressly updated their parentage laws in this way, the courts have intervened.