Legal Citation Affirmed
This history of case law shows that the Supreme Court decision overturned the decision of the Ontario Court of Appeal and upheld the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division). In other words, the Supreme Court did not agree with the Court of Appeal, but agreed with the trial court. Organized in this way, the history of the case shows that the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) was overturned by the Ontario Court of Appeal, but upheld by the Supreme Court. In other words, the Court of Appeal did not agree with the trial court, but the Supreme Court agreed with the trial court. R v. Carosella, [1997] 1 SCR 80, rev`g (1995), 26 OR (3d) 209 (CA), aff`g (1994), 25 CR (4th) 301 (Ct J (GD)). R v. Carosella (1994), 25 CR (4th) 301 (Ct J (GD)), rev`d (1995), 26 OR (3d) 209 (CA), aff`d [1997] 1 SCR 80.