Legal Services in Singapore
Axiom is revolutionizing legal workforce solutions in Singapore and beyond. We know you don`t just want to fill an empty seat at the table – you`re looking for a smart, accomplished and highly skilled lawyer with the experience to get it right the first time. A civil action is brought either by you or by a company and organization with their own legal personality. Singapore`s largest law firm with highly rated legal services across Asia, bringing together leading law firms and lawyers in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Get free legal advice and answer your questions. Need more help? Find out how you can hire our lawyers to advise you. In Singapore, the husband has the legal responsibility and duty to provide for the wife or ex-wife or to contribute to her maintenance (e.g. reasonable costs of accommodation, clothing, food and education). This is pro bono representation for litigants who are not covered by existing legal aid plans but require assistance due to exceptional circumstances. The goal is to build capacity in the not-for-profit, not-for-profit and social business sector by pairing community organizations with a volunteer advocate for pro bono legal advice. Here are some common legal questions we can help you with: The Singapore Legal Service is the collective body of lawyers working in the courts, attorneys` offices and legal departments of various ministries and legal bodies in Singapore.
[1] Lawyers who are part of the Legal Department are called Legal Services Officers (LSOs). Civil litigation is the formal legal proceedings that take place when the court challenge relates to a civil matter and when the matter involves your private rights and responsibilities. As Singapore`s leading legal headhunters, we can connect you with highly experienced legal advisors from a wide range of industries. Our law firm offers one of the most diverse pools of candidates in the legal field. This pamphlet is important and necessary because defence lawyers recognize that information about legal rights during investigations may not be easy for the public to find or understand without the assistance of lawyers. Axiom is the world`s leading provider of alternative legal services. With over 2,000+ employees on three continents, we offer the talent and technology to help legal departments adapt to a challenging new era. The Legal Service is an autonomous part of the Singapore Civil Service. The employment of liaison officers is the sole responsibility of the service and is independent of the Singapore Civil Service. The Legal Services Commission, established under Section 111 of the Constitution of Singapore,[2] oversees the appointment, dismissal and discipline of members of the Service.
[3] This is free personal advice and basic legal advice on personal matters. LSPBS strives to provide pro bono legal assistance to the community and organizations in Singapore that care for the needy and disadvantaged. Its main task, which is to ensure access to justice for all, is enshrined in the following key initiatives. Debt, derivatives, structured finance, equities, corporate trusts, bonds, securitization, regulatory capital, stock exchange, stock exchanges, labour markets, employees, unions, termination, executives, employers, outsourcing, compensation plans, stock options, courts, workplace compliance, immediate terminations, discrimination, whistleblowers, global immigration, executive transfers, workplace, liability for the fact of others, pensions, retirement, harassment, dismissal. Electronic copies of the latest version of the brochure in each of the four official languages can be downloaded here: Chinese, English, Malay and Tamil. The “incurable breakdown” of your marriage can be proven by showing at least one of these facts: Sign up and get case updates. Our online portal saves you time. The same rules and guidelines apply whether the case is headed by a Singaporean lawyer or by a self-represented party. Since 2012, the Law Society`s Criminal Practice Committee has been working on a “rights pamphlet” (“pamphlet”) for the public.
The idea was to provide the public, in a condensed and “easily understandable” form, with basic information about the relevant rights of a person questioned by the police and the process they should expect during investigations. Write to us or call us via Whatsapp and request your free 30-minute consultation. Our 24-hour hotline is always available for your requests. Justice management, judicial manager, receivership, receivership, JM, plan of arrangement, corporate restructuring, recovery agency, sales, joint ventures, business law, incorporation, contract, hotel management, branding and advertising, contract management, consulting, international sales, cross-border, business consulting, regulatory compliance, telecom, PDPA, personal data protection However, a company cannot bring a civil action only through a sue or defend a lawyer in Singapore. If you are involved in civil proceedings and are trying to remedy an undesirable situation, you can initiate civil proceedings to bring a civil action against the illegal party. As at 31 December 2008, there were 307 lawyers[4], representing approximately 10% of the lawyers practising in Singapore. [5] The current Chair of the Legal Service is Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon. A person can either represent themselves, lead their own case in a civil lawsuit, or hire a Singapore lawyer to represent you in the proceedings. Cross-border finance, structured finance, wealth finance, Islamic finance, loans, loans, securities, syndicated financing, trading, yields, bonds.
Real estate, HDB, condominium, bulk sale, sale and purchase Enbloc, oil and gas shopping mall, construction, utilities, wastewater, mining, utilities, removal, upstream, downstream, chemicals, procurement, supply chain infrastructure, LNG, natural gas, city gas, project documentation, minerals, renewable energy. The Law Society is very pleased to be able to make this brochure available to the public in Singapore and hopes that this community-based project will improve access to information and improve access to justice for members of the public. Bringing the law to the streets, mediating rights and obligations before the law, through discussions, publications and partnerships with organizations for their members and beneficiaries. Civil proceedings or civil actions are initiated through the preparation and presentation of written documents in accordance with a set of rules and guidelines administered by the Court. Aviation, Aircraft, Navigation, Admiralty, Freight Transportation, Mortgage, Ship Finance, Wet Work, Dry Work, Collisions, Shipyards, P&I Clubs, Ships, Charters, General Average, Ship Sales and Finance, Repossession, Priorities, Sheriff Sale, Piracy, Stowaways, Insurers, Sinking, Charterers, Charterers Discuss your case with our lawyers via SMS, voice call or video call. We explain and explore your options and solutions. Our specialist lawyers carefully apply their expertise, experience and sensitivity to understand and respond to the unique circumstances and needs of your situation and offer tailored solutions to your problems. In determining the amount of maintenance to be paid by the husband, the court usually tries to place the husband and wife in the financial situation they would be in had the marriage not failed. This is an innovative document in Singapore. This article on law in Asia is a stub.
You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. This is pro bono representation for needy defendants who cannot afford a lawyer and face non-capital charges in a Singapore court, regardless of their nationality. Indeed, the general objective of requiring an ex-husband to support his ex-wife is to compensate for financial inequalities between spouses and, if necessary, to take into account the economic disadvantages suffered by the ex-wife during the marriage (for example, a woman has suffered financial losses because she has sacrificed her career or has lost it in her earning capacity, to take care of the family). #TheSingaporeLawyer EP59 (REWIND): Mitigating Pleas – What is a Psychiatric Report? Competition Commission, cartel, monopoly, global cartel, dawn searches, abuse of dominant position, merger control, market investigations, government procurement UNCITRAL, CIArb, SIAC, ICC, ICSID, NAFTA, bilateral, multilateral, fair and equitable treatment, expropriation, national treatment, umbrella clause, protection and security, government, substantive rights, procedural rights, conventions, ratification The brochure is the result of joint efforts and a engagement with various stakeholders in the law enforcement justice system such as the AGC and MHA with the ongoing and strong support of the Department of Justice. The brochure will be distributed to community clubs and police stations across the country, where it will soon be made available to the public. The booklet is now available to those arrested or taken for questioning in police stations. The Law Society hopes to make it available in as many public places as possible. #TheSingaporeLawyer EP57: What happens at the end of the criminal proceedings (requisitions and judgment)? The Singapore Lawyer 146 Views April 10, 2020 10:18 am A court will only grant your petition for divorce if you can prove that there is an “irretrievable breakdown” of your marriage. The husband`s obligation to support his ex-wife usually ends when the ex-wife remarries or when he dies (whichever comes first).
For more information, visit the Law Society`s Pro Bono Services website. | PQE: 10+ years| Legal specialty: commercial and contract law| Clients Served So far: Asset Management Organisation, Global E-Commerce Provider “Axiom pays attention to detail; They are not trying to force the role that presents itself. You`re really looking for the alignment of skills, talent, and personality.