University of Denver Water Law Review

The University of Denver Journal of Water Law invites submissions for publication in its upcoming Volume 26. The Journal is a biannual publication distributed internationally that serves as a high-quality forum for the exchange of ideas, information and legal and policy analysis on water law. We welcome contributions from practitioners, professors, judges, students and all other professionals and scientists of water law. The journal prints articles focusing on water rights and water rights systems, water conservation and sustainability, water planning and development, water justice and other water-related topics. Manuscripts (as well as questions) can be submitted by email to Offers of publication are made on an ongoing basis. Thank you for your interest in the Water Law Review. We look forward to your submissions! The University of Denver Water Law Review is a biannual internationally distributed publication that serves as a high-quality forum for the exchange of ideas, information and legal policy analysis on water law. Born in the Dry West, the University of Denver`s Water Law Review fosters discussion and promotes rigorous research on water law and policy. The Water Law Review is a student journal. Students are responsible for producing the journal, from inviting articles to final editing and publishing content.

Students gain valuable experience in legal research, drafting, management, and water law through their participation in the Water Law Review. First published in 1997, the Water Law Review is a practical resource for lawyers, policy makers and students. Our ongoing engagement in the water rights community allows us to keep abreast of evolving water issues. Each issue includes up-to-date articles on the development of water rights issues, as well as several other useful and interesting resources such as biographies of water practitioners, book notes, conference reports, and waterfall coverage of all U.S. federal and state courts. For more information on the Water Law Review, including information on nominations and submissions, visit Danreuther Ranches v. Farmers Coop. Canal Co., 403 P.3d 332 (Mont. 2017) United States v. N. Colo. Water Conservancy Dist., 2017 U.S.

Dist. LEXIS 42298 (D. Colo. 2017) Lynn M. Forsythe, Ida M. Jones and Deborah J. Kemp Teton Coop. Canal Co. v. Teton Coop.

Reservoir Co., 412 P.3d 1 (Mont. 2018) United States v. Aboulseman, CV 83-1041 MV/WPL, 2016 WL 9776586 (D.N.M. 4 October 2016) Conservation and protection of Chicano`s aquatic heritage Fog sensors: the rise of ownership beyond the cost-benefit approach Development of municipal water self-determination in various metropolises The emergence of the human right to water in international and national law Let there be water: Israel`s solution to a world where water is scarce Realizing the Human Right to Water: A Conflict Between Realization and Implementation – The South African Experience Navajo Nation v. Home Office, 876 F.3d 1144 (9th Cir. 2017) Town of Blackfoot v. Spackman, 396 pp.3d 1184 (Idaho 2017) Professor Fred Cheever Essay Award for Environment and Natural Resources San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Auth. v.

Jewell, NO. 1:15-CV-01290-IJO-GSA, 2017 WL 1375232 (E.D. Cal. 17 April 2017) Eureka Cty. v. Seventh Judicial Distract Court, 407 pp.3d 755 (Nev. 2017).