Victorian Government Legal Services Panel Annual Report

(A) a client has no other access to the courts and legal system; and/or Further explanation of pro bono provisions in government tenders – including a comparison of agreements put in place by the governments of the Commonwealth, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia and Queensland – can be found here. The “approved clause” is defined as the provision of legal services (or other financial or in-kind contributions) that “improve access to justice for disadvantaged individuals or organizations and/or promote the public interest,” including circumstances in which a firm of experts: Information on panels for the specialised areas of competition and consumer law and tax technical tax law is available on the websites Web operated by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ( and the Australian Tax Office ( Consider the likely legal cost of the service required. Buyers should strive to always get value for their money and encourage competition within the panel. Buyers should also consider the jurisdiction of the law, as only certain companies can provide services in certain jurisdictions. This committee provides high quality and cost-effective legal services. The Exemption Directive lays down the rules and procedure for authorising the use of a non-panel company. Contact the panel contract manager to sign up to this contract. You will indicate who can use this contract. The Victorian Government Legal Services Committee requires Victorian Government Ministries (and participating statutory authorities) to procure all legal services from the law firms appointed to the committee.

The panel is composed of 28 law firms. The current regulations began on July 19, 2019 and will expire on June 30, 2022. (C) provide staff (legal or otherwise) seconded to a CLC or other community organization; or 28 law firms provide legal services. Each law firm offers specific legal services. Agencies can only contact a company if it covers the required range of services. Read the full information below: The Victorian Government originally established the Legal Services Unit on 1 July 2002. The Victorian panel aimed to combine a more transparent system of assigning legal work to law firms, lower costs for the Victorian government, and an increased commitment to social policy objectives. The Victorian panel was renewed in July 2009 for a period of 6 years. The agreement led to the formation of a general and specialized body of law firms. Our annual report is published at the end of each fiscal year and tabled in the Victorian Parliament. It highlights our services and activities for the year.

(B) participates free of charge in the provision of legal advice and/or representation to charitable and community organizations; (A) participate in free legal education and/or in the reform of the Community; Each agency has a contract manager who serves as the primary point of contact for that contract. Typically, this contract manager is part of the agency`s legal team. Email: information on accessing Legal Services Panel contractual agreements. In the 23. In May 2017, in its response to the Access to Justice Review, the Victorian Government agreed that the requirements of the Victorian Government`s legal services contract should be amended in the future “to give greater weight to the contributions provided by pro bono services in areas where legal needs are not being met and which support community legal centres and their clients”. The report and recommendations from the Access to Justice Review are available in two parts: Volume 1 and Volume 2. These guidelines contain updated decision and approval requirements for the use of legal services. Our annual report is published at the end of each fiscal year and tabled in the Victorian Parliament. It highlights our services and activities for the year.

Each annual report is prepared in accordance with the standard operating procedures of the Minister of Finance and Accounting and the sections of the Financial Management Act 1994. 28 law firms provide legal services through the Legal Services Committee. Each firm offers specific legal services. The companies that make up the legal panel must comply with the following: The panel was established as a coordinated sourcing through a competitive price-performance ratio using a free market approach. The panel is managed by AGD and was created on August 15, 2019. The panel aims to make better use of the Commonwealth`s purchasing power and improve the effectiveness of the Commonwealth`s cooperation with external legal service providers. All designated firms must provide pro bono legal services for “approved cases” whose value is equal to a certain percentage of the fees they generate (or make a payment) under the commission`s agreements. [1] The designated percentage must be at least 10% of the total renewal fee paid to the company under the panel plans. The portal was created by the Department of the Attorney General (AGD) to provide Commonwealth authorities with access to the legal services of the entire Australian Government Legal Services Unit (the Unit) or the Australian Government Solicitor (AGS).

Use the following table to determine the number of service providers that should be invited to bid on these services: Learn more about the exclusive services offered by the Victorian Government Solicitors` Office (VGSO). We serve a wide range of clients, many of whom face complex legal issues and face cultural barriers, discrimination, disability, mental health issues, or social and geographic isolation. Participating agencies can also directly access AGS legal services and do not have to use the panel`s flexibility framework or request an exemption from the use of the panel. Linked works cannot be purchased via the portal, please contact AGS or the corresponding linked supplier directly. To leverage regional companies for exposures under $50,000: Companies can be suspended from the panel if they fail to meet their pro bono commitments. [3] If buyers use a regional, Indigenous or under-represented business that complies with these rules, they do not require formal approval under the Exemption Policy. The Service Level Agreement governs the rules for the use of the Legal Services Panel. This Agreement describes: (i) without charge or expectation of fees or reduced fees, advises and/or represents a client in cases where: Our 2020-21 Annual Report was filed on November 18, 2021.

Administrative Guidelines for the Use of Professional Services in the VPSExternal Link Read the categories and areas of law available under the Legal Services Panel. The exemption policy also provides for the possibility of using an Indigenous law firm or an underrepresented group firm (as defined in the Social Procurement Framework) for exposures under $50,000 in certain circumstances. Check if the exclusive Victorian Government Solicitors Office (VGSO) service applies – if so, the use of the VGSO is mandatory. All areas of law include litigation, dispute resolution and territory-related secondments. The panel is mandatory for unincorporated Commonwealth entities subject to the Panel Flexibility Framework. Commonwealth or Commonwealth companies may choose to use panel agreements by contacting AGD and signing a certificate of participation. For more information, see the Corporate Commonwealth Entities and Commonwealth Companies fact sheet. (D) provides financial or in-kind contributions (e.g. equipment, sponsorships, etc.) to a CLC or other community organization. [2] Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the impact of overlapping deprivation has been more pronounced, with a greater proportion of the Victorian community affected by unemployment, economic and social deprivation, mental health issues and financial hardship.