Florida Bonfire Legal
The frank burning of plant debris and untreated wood in a campfire, ceremonial campfire, outdoor fireplace or other self-contained outdoor heating or cooking appliance is permitted in accordance with subsections 62-256.700(10) and 5I-2.006(11) of the F.C.A., provided that the fire is monitored and completely extinguished at all times before leaving the site unattended. No PED or FFS permit is required for recreational open burning. DEP emergency orders and emergency authorizations can be found at: floridadep.gov/hurricane The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) is responsible for regulating air pollution related to open burning throughout the state. The open incineration of biological waste, hazardous waste, asbestos-containing materials, mercury-containing equipment, pharmaceuticals, tires, rubber, residual oil, used oil, asphalt, roofing materials, tar, treated wood, plastics, garbage or garbage is strictly prohibited. Any other open incineration of uprooted debris that cannot meet these requirements must be conducted using ACI in accordance with the conditions of the air permit exemption set out in paragraph 62-210.300(3)(a)26., F.C.A., if eligible. Otherwise, it will be conducted in accordance with Rule 62-296.401, F.C.A., and all other conditions of the PED air permit issued by ACI. According to subsection 62-296.320(3), F.C.A., open burning in the course of industrial, commercial, institutional or governmental activities may only be authorized with the express authorization of the DEP if: Never burn plasters, garbage or combustible materials in an outdoor fire. Recycle appropriate materials. Place yard waste where your local carrier can remove it or bring it to the Hillsborough County Wood and Yard Waste Treatment Facility at 350 Falkenburg Road. Contact your local Florida Forest Service Field Unit if you are currently affected by smoke from open burning.
In addition to the above regulations that allow open burning, the EPD can also issue emergency orders after major storms authorizing landowners to carry out this activity under certain conditions and requirements. Open incineration for agricultural purposes is regulated by the Florida Forest Service. Call (863) 940-6701 for more information. Clearing vegetation for development requires approval from the Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission. Contact the Commission`s Air Quality Management Division for more information. The following categories identify open burning, which is permitted by state rules. Open burning regulations (see below) are found primarily in Chapters 62-256, 5I-2 and Section 62-293.320(3) of the Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The open burning of “yard waste” (defined as leaves, shrub clippings, grass clippings, palm leaves and brush) in dwellings of up to two family units is permitted provided that the following requirements of subsection 62-256.700(1), F.C.A. are met.
Open air combustion means burning materials in such a way that smoke (the product of combustion) is released directly into the air without passing through a chimney or chimney. Open burning includes activities such as battery burning, mandatory fire, and burning with an air curtain incinerator (ACI). Campfires of any kind, whether for ceremonies, religious events or social gatherings of family and friends, require an open fire permit issued by the Hillsborough County Fire Marshal. Permits require the time, date and location of the requested fire, the type of fuel used, and the name of a person supervising the fire. The approval form contains a list of regulations. Open burning of “clearing” (uprooted or cleared vegetation associated with the construction of buildings and rights of way, land use planning or mining) is permitted provided that the following requirements of subsection 62-256.700(3), F.C.A., and paragraphs 5I-2.006(4)(b) and (d), F.C.A., are met. Open burning of storm debris (consisting only of plant debris and untreated wood) by municipal or county governments responsible for storm clean-up operations is permitted under subsection 62-256.700(8), F.C.A., provided that: Local governments (counties and municipalities) may also have open incineration regulations. County and municipal ordinances may include stricter requirements for open burning or ban open burning altogether. For more information, call the Hillsborough County Fire Department phone number: (813) 681-9927. Fire Rescue offers several educational services, ranging from a summer academy for young firefighters to the free distribution of smoke detectors. The open incineration of plant waste, whether storm-related or not, on established industrial, commercial, institutional or government land is not expressly permitted by government regulations. The DEP recommends that these facilities follow one of the following options for disposing of plant waste from their properties: Please contact the air transport permit program of the appropriate DEP district in your area to obtain open incineration permits on industrial, commercial, institutional or government properties.
Well-maintained fires add warmth and ambience to outdoor gatherings. Information on the types of materials that can be incinerated in the open, restrictions such as/when/where they can be incinerated, and the types of permits required to burn in the open are described on this website and can also be found in the Division`s Surface Burning Regulations fact sheet. Note: Although state rules may allow open burning, counties and municipalities may prohibit this type of open burning. Please check with your local government for local orders or prohibitions before opening the incineration. To contact the district, call 239-303-5300 to report your burn information.