How to Add Another Business under My Llc
Jonah has an LLC for his auto repair shop, Jonah`s Vehicle Repair and Restoration, LLC. He now wants to diversify and sell vintage car parts online. He could choose to keep both companies below his existing business unit, but differentiate the new company by filing the DBA “Back in Time Antique Car Parts and Accessories”. Let`s say you already have an LLC but want to diversify into another service or area of interest in the same niche. Hi Tracy, just forming an LLC doesn`t protect all activities. The business must be conducted through the LLC. For example, all contracts are in the name of the LLC, the bank account belongs to the LLC, all insurance is in the name of the LLC, etc. At first glance, it seems that this is not the case in your situation. It looks like Wolff Productions is just a DBA name (aka trade name or fictitious name) for a sole proprietorship or partnership. I hope that helps. A customer of the Joyful Pet Grooming, LLC dog is injured while groomed and files a lawsuit against the LLC and wins, forcing the grooming business to close. Each LLC may own, manage and be responsible for a single piece of land; Thus, although all LLCs share the same holding company – ABC Holding Company, LLC – and may own similar structures, holdings, assets and liabilities, they are isolated and protected from each other to protect the property and resources of each LLC. – Should I transfer my current LLC to Texas if possible? – Should I add my new company (Custom T-Shirt Request) as a DBA (it`s not a nickname, nor good, it`s a service company)? – Or can I just request a name change as both affect clothing/retail? As a result, people often wonder if they can operate multiple LLCs under one LLC holding company.
Get everything you need for business creation and compliance in one place. Hi Colby, if you`re reading correctly, it seems like there`s an LLC that owns it all: “ABC Apparel LLC”. This LLC will hold 2 DBAs: “ABC Apparel” and “Become ABC”. DBAs have very few rights to their name (in most states), so if things really take off, you can also register two federal trademarks: “ABC Apparel” and “Become ABC”. Note: The 2 DTAs and 2 federal trademarks would be owned by “ABC Apparel LLC”. This allows for own ownership (everything belongs to the LLC), the LLC has the right to do business under 2 names alongside its real and legal name (the 2 DBAs), and the LLC has the protection of its 2 “brand names” (the 2 federal trademarks). I hope that helps. Essentially, structuring multiple corporations in this way provides protection for each LLC from lawsuits and debts of other LLCs and liability protection for owners of the parent LLC. As an owner, your personal belongings are protected, but your grooming and online pet store will also be affected if one of the businesses is sued or runs into financial difficulties.
So, for the avoidance of doubt, if I want my current DBA to be “under” the LLC, all I have to do is file a form with the Secretary of State and return to the county where I originally filed it to cancel it. Hi Mike, database administrators in California are filed at the county level (the county where the main place of business is located). You will need to contact the county to receive their forms and instructions. Within 30 days of registering the DTA for your LLC, you must also publish a statement in a local newspaper with a large circulation near the principal place of business. The notice must be published once a week for 4 consecutive weeks. The newspaper will send you an affidavit after the ad is published. You must then file the affidavit with the city or county. For more information, see California Franchise Tax Board: Guide to DBAs. A problem, I know, but I hope it helps. Hi Tori, this is helpful. Okay, here`s the “fix.” Don`t think about having multiple companies.
They only have one company, and that is Mouse Technology LLC. Mouse Technology LLC registers two DBAs (Apps For You & The Cell Phone App). Mouse Technology LLC may do business under the names Mouse Technology LLC, Apps For You and The Cell Phone App. Mouse Technology LLC is engaged in various business activities. In other words, Mouse Technology LLC carries out several business activities under different names. I hope that helps. When the tax period begins, you only need to file a tax return for both companies, as the DBA falls under the LLC “Joyful Pet Grooming, LLC”. Hi Bilal, an LLC may have two companies under it, but if you want to keep responsibility in each company separate from the other, then forming two LLCs would be the way to go.