Legal Counsel Ucl
UC Legal – The Office of the General Counsel (UCL) provides legal services to the University, including advocacy, advice, research and training. We also prepare legal opinions for the Board of Trustees, administration, faculty, staff and others acting on behalf of the University. We report jointly to the Board of Directors and the President. Where external advice is required, we use our many years of experience in the legal sector to ensure that the project achieves the best value for the legal advice required. Our role is not limited to identifying experienced lawyers and obtaining fee proposals for approval by the project team. We will also manage all aspects of the relationship with external consultants, coordinate advice and ensure that external consultants receive full instructions. You should inform the Legal Services team as soon as you become aware that a person or entity is considering legal action against UCL or is involved in UCL. We are the source of system-wide legal representation, advice and guidance. If you receive a formal notice of legal action against UCL, you must immediately provide the details and relevant documentation to the Legal Services team.
The Legal Services team works closely with Professional Services and other teams/functions within UCL in a wide range of activities. It is usually best to contact the relevant team/function within UCL first and they will then contact the legal services team if they need legal assistance. Here are some examples of questions and the corresponding team: The Legal Services team consists of a small group of lawyers who provide legal advice and support to UCL as an institution in a range of core activities. Datenschutz: Forschungsaktivitäten, Forschungsanmeldeformular Natasha Lewis: General Counsel, Legal Services (x58742, Hall: Legal Counsel (x58700, Wein: Legal Counsel (x58513, Willey: Legal Counsel (x58970, Naughton: Legal Counsel (x07809, Smythers: Legal Counsel (x58643, Kaarlehto: Legal Counsel (x58729, O`connor: Rechtsberaterin (x53424, elaine.o` Ehmann: Rechtsberaterin (x59874, Patel: Rechtsberater (x58615, Dimas: Rechtsberater (x54749, West: Rechtsberaterin (x57325, Streitigkeiten mit Mitarbeitern sollten unverzüglich dem HR-Team gemeldet werden. The Data Protection and Access to Information team is responsible for all inquiries relating to data protection legislation and the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (and related laws). For more information, visit the team pages. General Counsel and Vice-President – Legal Affairs The appointment is UCL Grade 8. The Bartlett School of Architecture is a leading place to study, teach and explore architecture. The school is an important part of UCL, a leading world ranking. The date will be on UCL grade 7. UCL STEaPP is an inherently interdisciplinary department whose mandate is to build relationships with various external policies, industry and civil society. The team is not able to advise staff or students individually on personal or non-institutional matters.
Privacy: Moodle training and quiz for UCL employees The appointment is in class 7 of UCL. The UCL Institute for Global Health (IGH) is at the heart of UCL`s Grand Challenge of Global Health, the vision of the Institute is that of an international world. Direct links to UCL`s Freedom of Information website If a request for advice does not concern UCL`s core activities or generate revenue, it is likely that external consultants will need to be consulted to support the activity. Any engagement of external counsel must be coordinated by the Legal Services team. Data protection: GDPR, data breach, data protection reform, data transfer abroad, disclosure of student data, filming and photos, access requests, student comments This is a fixed-term contract for a seconded job holder until 27 September 2023 (or until the return of the holder of the post). The date will be on UCL Grade 6. The UCL Division of.