Legal Dada Pec

Writing a PEC e-mail from your mailbox to another registered mail address is legally equivalent to sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In practice, the use of the CEP will provide significant benefits, including: sending messages in real time, eliminating wait times at the post office for sending or picking up registered paper; the overall reduction of costs related to sending the registered letter or the classic fax, which is a daily reality for many companies and professional companies; Simplify relations between customers and suppliers, as well as with the public administration, to ensure the security and legal value of communications. With a view to convergence on all means of communication, it is possible to access the PEC mailbox securely and to consult at any time the messages received from PCs, tablets and smartphones either with an email client, via webmail or to send new messages. Identificativo messaggio: Hello David, I am a Romanian professional interpreter without Italian CF or VAT number. Romanian only. Can I set up a personal CEP? I only need it for a project with legal documents, so I can`t use a shared JEP. Can you help me? Therefore, especially if you live abroad, instead of sending a registered letter, PEC allows you to send a certified email that has the force of law, from your home or office, which will be received immediately. This means, for example, that you can communicate officially with an Italian public administration, even if you are abroad. PEC stands for posta elettronica certificata, which means “certified email”. A certified e-mail (PEC e-mail) is like a regular e-mail, but with the difference that it guarantees legal certainty as to the identity of the sender, the date and time of sending and receiving the e-mail and its content. This communication system is currently used in Italy, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Hello David, We are a French company and we have to answer a call for the University of Naples. First of all, we must be registered with the A.

N.A.C., which requires a PEC email address. We tried to get it on different sites (legalmail, aruba,…) without success because of the lacq of the Italian code Fical. It seems that you can be helpful. Sincerely, it is advisable to enter the content of your message in the “body” of the PEC message and not just as an attachment. So, for example, if you want to send a letter that you signed as an attachment to your PEC message, you can also copy and paste its contents into the “body” of the email to make sure the recipient reads your message, making sure it`s from you (because the PEC address legally proves the identity of the sender). While it is possible to prove which files were attached to your email, the recipient could theoretically indicate that, for example, the attachment was empty, corrupted, or unreadable. We promptly verify the identity of candidates for certified emails to protect you and all users from possible illegal activities. CEP messages are digital documents with the force of law. For these to constitute correspondence with legal relevance to the commercial activity, they must be kept for 10 years in accordance with the law. Our PEC solutions include everything you need to keep your messages in accordance with the law. Dear Abhishek, for your message to have the force of law, you must send a PEC message from your Italian PEC address to another Italian PEC address (Italian public administration, citizens, private companies, etc.), so not from a Gmail account for example. The CEP has its legal value as registered mail (raccomandata) only if it is sent from a PEC address to a CEP address.

If you send your CEP to an Italian embassy, you can use it. I need a CEP account to order copies of birth certificates for a dual citizenship application, but I don`t have a tax code. I have tried legalmail, but it will not allow me to switch to my own business without the codice. Do you know what I need to do? Thank you. Avviso di mancata consegna Il giorno 22/07/2022 alle ore 12:04:14 (+0200) nel messaggio “” proveniente da “fa*********” e destinato all`utente « » è stato rilevato un errore: 5.2.2 – Telecom Italia Trust Technologies S.r.l. – casella piena Dear Liana, You need a PEC address. If you send a regular email (Gmail, Yahoo, etc.) to a PEC address, the system may reject the email or even if it is delivered, it does not have the same legal value as a JEP to PEC. From a graphical point of view, a CEP account is no different from a regular email account. In fact, the main difference is in the email address, so you have or etc. instead of or etc. You can also paste the PEC address into your Outlook or upload the messages to your Gmail account.

So, writing and sending a PEC email is like writing and sending a regular email (sender, recipient, subject, text, signature), but from a different address that adds legal value to your email. As mentioned earlier, a PEC message is very different from a regular e-mail message from a legal point of view. In fact, an email sent from a PEC address proves the identity of the sender, the date and time the message was sent and received, and its contents. If you already own a domain name, you can create your own PEC box; For those who do not have a specific domain or want to find another solution, you can choose from many PEC boxes that have already been specially designed for companies and professionals: for example, companies can choose between or .com or @pec-società.it or .com, or even opt for or .com to emphasize the legal value. Consultants can find the specific extension, while professional associations have different choice options that identify their type.[1] With, the login page to your mailbox offers the possibility to find, in one click, all the PEC addresses of the public administration and the reports updated in real time, all the news of the Agency for Digital Italy, to keep the user constantly informed about news and PEC regulations. The registered letter has the legal value of a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. Our service is certified by AgID. Please note that if you send a PEC message from your PEC address to a normal email address (e.g. or etc.), your email will still be received by the recipient, but will not have the legal value of a JEP/registered letter message.